We’re Having A Baby!

Yes, you read that right! Kirby and I are having a baby!

Damn it feels good to share this news. It has been so difficult over the last few months to keep Baby Carter a secret. I’ve definitely been feeling all of the symptoms (more to come on that tomorrow) and it has been keeping me from my normal routine. I haven’t been posting on social as much because I’ve been exhausted and it’s hard to know what to say when I’m hiding such a big secret!

So first things first, I’m about 12 weeks along and due mid-summer 2021. We were trying and I was blown away by how quickly it happened. I know that is not the case for many women, so I am very grateful, but it still came as a a bit of a shock! A good shock.

Lifestyle blogger Sammy Hill shares her news that she is having a baby!

How & When Did I Find Out?

Honestly, within a week or two of conceiving, I was having strange symptoms and when I told my best friend, she was sure I was pregnant. I’m always very skeptical so I thought, no way. We just started trying and how could I possibly have symptoms this early? I was kind of nauseous and felt a weird stretching feeling in my belly.

Two weeks after that, I hadn’t had my period, which wasn’t unusual for me. It has always been inconsistent, but Kirby was so excited at the thought that we were pregnant that we decided to take a test. We did one at-home test and it was POSITIVE. I still didn’t believe it though! A second test: POSITIVE. Still, I was like, “the line could be darker”. Meanwhile, Kirby was crying with excitement!

I went to the doctor a few days later and he confirmed that I was, indeed, pregnant. It was the first time that I truly believed it and really felt excited! I was just over four weeks at the time.

What Has Happened Since Finding Out We’re Having A Baby?

I had a tiny bit of spotting early on, so my doctor sent me for an early ultrasound. Umm, no one told me how uncomfortable ultrasounds are – LOL! You have to hold in a shit ton of water for an hour, and while they push on your belly. Anyway, the first ultrasound was a bit too soon and I could only see a tiny speck that the tech said was baby. The second ultrasound was at 6.5 weeks and we could actually see a baby with a heartbeat! The second ultrasound showed nothing to worry about.

Lifestyle blogger Sammy Hill announces that she is having a baby!

The entire first trimester has been difficult. I’ll be going into detail on this in tomorrow’s blog post, but I will say that I’m looking forward to the second trimester very much!

Kirby is very attentive to begin with, but even more so since we found out I’m pregnant! He’s been running to the store for every little thing for me and taking care of everything around the house. He was really born to be a dad and I can’t wait to see him with our little munchkin.

I’m very excited to be a mom, but I definitely have not gone full mom-mode. Knowing me, every little detail of pregnancy and labour and actually having a baby will have my mind racing a million miles a minute and cause me stress, so I’m trying my best to relax and just let things happen for now.

One thing that I do know is that this baby, which we have nicknamed ‘Blob’, will be very loved. Even Odie is excited to be a big brother!

AND, I feel so relieved to be sharing this with all of you! It’s a weight off my chest to share this news and start sharing all of the baby content. But don’t worry if you’re not into the baby content, I don’t plan on it taking over SammmyHill.com, but rather complimenting the content you know and love.

Here’s hoping that everything goes smoothly and we have a healthy baby this summer!

Pregnancy Blog Posts

First Trimester Recap

What I’m Shopping For Baby

Bump Style

Mocktails I’m Drinking Through Pregnancy

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  1. Amanda Wowchuk wrote:

    Congratulations! This is SUCH an exciting time for you! I am an ultrasound tech, and know how uncomfortable it can be. Just an FYI for your 20 week scan – your bladder shouldn’t be so full that you’re in pain (actually, it’s bad to be over-full, it makes it harder to see). If it IS over full and painful, then you can let a bit out before the scan so that you’re not in total discomfort! So happy for you!

    Posted 1.21.21 Reply
    • Thank you so much! This is so good to know. I’m not quite as terrified of my next ultrasound now!

      Posted 1.21.21 Reply

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