A Recap Of My First Trimester

As promised, today I’m sharing a recap of my first trimester of my first pregnancy! It felt so good to share this news and we are so, so grateful for the kind messages.

I’m in the end of my first trimester and truthfully, I could not be happier about that. I feel like I was prepared for the nausea, because that’s mainly the pregnancy symptom that you hear about, but wow – there is so much more.

First of all, as someone who is self-employed and works from home, I feel extremely lucky. I applaud all of the moms who went to work each day leading up to their maternity leave! Some days of this first trimester I have thought to myself, there is no way I could get up today and go to an office job or work retail.

I have felt all of the things in this first trimester. I’ve been nauseous, I’ve been sick, exhausted, my daily headaches have felt unbearable, I’ve cried for no reason, I’ve had crazy dreams, my boobs have certainly grown and been sore and sensitive, and the food aversions are so real. I have felt my belly changing and growing right from the start – it’s such a weird feeling!

The nausea I expected and felt I could manage, but the headaches and fatigue! I didn’t know that headaches were a common symptom in pregnancy and they have been rough. I’ve spent a lot of time in dark rooms with my eyes shut lately trying to work through brutal headaches.

Weeks 4-9 were the worst for fatigue. I am not a napper and it was so frustrating to me that early afternoon was basically my cut off for work each day. I couldn’t keep my eyes open past 2pm!

Here in week 12 (or 13, it’s a bit confusing), the nausea and fatigue have mostly subsided, but the headaches and food aversions are going strong! I’ve been on a diet of salt & vinegar chips, sour candy, chicken strips and Booster Juice! Any sort of home cooked meal is unappealing to me right now.

Lifestyle blogger Sammy Hill shares highlights from her first trimester of pregnancy.

The bump is starting to pop, despite the fact that I’ve actually lost 10 pounds over the last few weeks. Kirby is starting to rub the belly every chance he gets!

The highlights of this first trimester have been sharing the news with our families, our second ultrasound when we saw baby and my first OBGYN visit when I heard the heartbeat! We’re so excited to feel baby grow and prepare for our new addition over the next six months.

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