Weekly Recap | Sick & Tired

This week was a rough one. I’ve been sick & tired most of the week, and in the time that I wasn’t sick, I was unproductive, which is equally frustrating for me.

I started feeling a little under the weather late Tuesday. Due to the state of the world, and all of the possible symptoms associated with COVID-19, I feared that it had finally reached my household. I took a rapid test on Wednesday and again on Thursday, and both were negative. As it became more difficult to swallow on Thursday morning, I recognized the signs of strep throat and went to the doctor to confirm. So here we are, recovering from my third case of strep throat in the last year.

As I write this, Kirby seems to be getting sick as well. Luckily, Mara has shown no signs of feeling under the weather – fingers crossed she stays that way! The dogs, on the other hand, were each sick throughout the night this week, hence the ‘tired’ part.

My brain is so foggy from being sick that I barely remember what we did this week, but we did celebrate Mara turning 6 months old. She’s so much fun right now and starting to ‘communicate’ what she wants, which is really cool and helpful. It’s quite clear when she wants a rice cracker!

I also did a lot of shopping for spring this week… like a lot. I scored on a pair of AGOLDE jeans I’ve been eyeing for the better part of a year and stocked up on some spring styles from Abercrombie. If you couldn’t tell, I’ve been loving sharing fashion content lately! Can’t wait to share some of these spring items and outfits with you guys!

Here’s hoping that this sick & tired feeling passes quickly and we can resume our normal routines ASAP.

Lifestyle blogger Sammy Hill shares her weekly recap: sick & tired.

Lifestyle blogger Sammy Hill shares her weekly recap: sick & tired.

Lifestyle blogger Sammy Hill shares her weekly recap: sick & tired.

Lifestyle blogger Sammy Hill shares her weekly recap: sick & tired.

A few things I’ve ordered lately….

+ These AGOLDE jeans that I’ve been wanting for months and months. I stalked the Aritzia website daily and my size finally became available at my local store! They were on sale 50% off, so I sent Kirby out to pick them up right away.

+ A few other things that I bought from Aritzia include the Melina Pants, this cropped turtleneck sweater, and a ribbed cardigan.

+ My order from Abercrombie included the Traveler Mini Dress, a high neck bodysuit, and this cool mesh long sleeve top.

+ I also picked up these dad sneakers from Spring.


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