Out of Office: Working From Home, Like Everyone Else

What a strange month it has been. Working from home has become the norm for me over the last five months, and now it’s a reality that so many others are facing. 

I feel grateful that my day to day has not changed too much, unlike many others. Knowing what other people are going through with losing their jobs, worrying about closing down their business and dealing with this nasty virus, I feel lucky to have the opportunity to carry on as usual for now and it is keeping me motivated. 

Out of Office: Working From Home

Despite the challenges that everyone is currently facing, it is so wonderful to see the ways that people are banding together to help our healthcare workers, support local businesses and keep each others’ spirits up. 

This is the kind of support that I felt firsthand at the beginning of the month, right after I had published Out of Office for February. In that post, I talked about how and why it was my most challenging month in business yet, and my friends, family and followers showed me support by reading my posts and engaging with my content and helped give me the confidence to keep pushing.

I can’t tell you what that meant to me, and I am sure that these small, easy gestures mean a lot to countless business owners that are facing challenges right now. 

It has also been difficult for me to share shopping posts right now, knowing that many have lost income, but I want to keep up as much normalcy on the blog as I possibly can and share sales when they come up.

Some wins from this month:

Some losses from this month:

  • Had to pause work for a client due to COVID-19.
  • Pageviews were still not as high as I would like them to be, but I’m trying to keep a positive attitude about it!

March by the numbers:

  • A little over 1,000 pageviews
  • 144 Giveaway Entries on a locally based giveaway

What do you want to see on SammmyHill.com right now? Send me a message and let me know!

Out of Office: Working From Home

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