Out of Office: Kicking Off A New Year

I had high hopes of kicking off a new year with a bang! I planned on entering 2021 with all kinds of content ideas, growing my income and sharing exciting news with all of you. The end of 2020 was great for my business and I saw fantastic growth that I wanted to keep up with.

Unfortunately, that wasn’t really the case. Kicking off a new year this time around was a bit more difficult that I expected.

Lifestyle blogger Sammy Hill is dressed for winter and sharing how she's kicking off a new year in her business.

To start, pregnancy has not been easy on me so far. I’ve spent much of the last month in a dark room with my eyes shut and crackers nearby. It’s been so hard to get on Instagram Stories or to take photos when I’ve been feeling so shitty, not to mention, my house is a hot mess and no one wants to see that.

On top of my own health, I lost my Grama mid-January. I was very close with Grama Moochie (I called her that because that was her dog’s name when I was little) and thanks to COVID, I haven’t been able to hug her in almost a year. We tried to visit a few times through the window, but it was more difficult than expected. I truly feel for all of you that can’t see or visit a loved one right now.

With all of these things happening in my personal life, it felt like such a challenge to be creative, do good work and grow as a business owner. I certainly saw the effects of taking my foot off the gas pedal and it hurt, but I had to keep reminding myself that my health and wellness comes first.

Looking ahead to February, I feel optimistic, less nauseous (Hallelujah) and ready to refocus on my goals, all while taking time to enjoy my pregnancy. I’m just going to pretend that I’m kicking off a new year now!

some wins from this month

january by the numbers

  • Over 5,600 page views on the blog.
  • Collaborated with two wonderful companies.

What do you want to see on SammmyHill.com right now? Send me a message and let me know!

To see more of my Out of Office recaps, click here.

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