Out of Office: A Self-Employed Household

It’s official! As of October 1st, we have a fully self-employed household. Kirby has now transitioned to his personal training business full-time and we are entirely reliant on the income from our businesses. HOLY SHIT. It’s exciting and also terrifying!

Out Of Office: A Self-Employed Household

As I’ve mentioned before, I’m a psychopath when it comes to money and I have budgeted to the extreme for the last few months to make sure we could afford to take our businesses to the next level and support ourselves with them. I’ve had my doubts, but we really kicked it into high gear these last few months and I truly believe that we can live off of these businesses.

There are definitely times where it can be tricky to have two entrepreneurial people in a relationship, but for the most part, we really rely on each other in our businesses. Kirby and I feel that we have equal stake in both businesses and we work hard to put effort into both.

Kirby’s help with taking photos, brainstorming blog posts and marketing strategies and taking on renovation projects has been invaluable in growing my business, and I work on marketing for his business as well.

We’re as ready as we’ll ever be to make a fully self-employed household work, and we’re determined AF. Stay tuned for lots of exciting things happening in both of our businesses over the next year.

Speaking of exciting things, a lot happened in September on SammmyHill.com and in my freelance business!

some wins from this month

some losses from this month

  • I didn’t really have any losses this month!

september by the numbers

  • Over 3,100 page views
  • Added one new freelance client

What do you want to see on SammmyHill.com right now? Send me a message and let me know!

To see more of my Out of Office recaps, click here.

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