4 Ways To Support Your Friend’s Business

It’s no secret that small businesses have suffered over the last two years. I am surrounded by entrepreneurs that have felt the effects of COVID on their business, and I find it so important to support them.

We don’t always have the financial means to make a purchase, but there are many other ways to support your friend’s business.

Engage With Them On Social

Likes, comments, shares and saves are so helpful! The more that you engage with your friend’s business on social media, the more eyeballs they will get on their content, which will ultimately lead to sales for them. It costs you nothing to double tap on their posts or share their posts with your own audience.

Lifestyle blogger Sammy Hill shares 4 Ways To Support Your Friend's Business.

Provide Feedback

Business owners are always looking for ways to improve their offering, content and marketing. It’s very useful to provide feedback that helps them to understand what their customers will want. Both positive and constructive feedback is helpful. Answer their polls on Instagram Stories or send them a text to let them know if you like a product they released, if you think they could test out new content to reach new audiences or if you have an idea for them.

Be Their Word-Of-Mouth Marketing

Name drop whenever possible! When I hear someone has an interest in getting new plants or landscaping, I mention my favourite local nursery, Better Earth Gardens. When I hear someone looking for a gift for their friend or sister, I name drop Lavender & Grace Jewelry. Word-of-mouth marketing is still the most effective type of marketing and you can do a lot of good for your friend’s business by name-dropping.

Attend Their Events

Sometimes, your presence is all the support that they need. If your friend hosts events for their business or has a brick-and-mortar location, make an effort to stop by. Even if you don’t buy anything, they are sure to appreciate you taking the time to come out and support them.

As we continue to move through the difficulties that COVID has placed on small businesses, it’s so important to support your friend’s business and other small businesses in your community.

How will you show support?

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