The Importance Of An Accountability Buddy

I have always been very independent and can get sh*t done on my own, but I will say, it is really nice to have an accountability buddy now. I’m lucky to have Kirby to keep me on track with my health and fitness, and it goes both ways!

It has especially been difficult throughout pregnancy to stay motivated and committed to my health and fitness. I was doing really well up until the third trimester, but the rib and knee pain has really gotten to me. Luckily, I have my accountability buddy to lean on to keep me active, hiking the dogs and eating fairly well.

Lifestyle blogger Sammy Hill shares why you need an accountability buddy.

It can also be tricky to help someone stay accountable. Trust me, Kirby doesn’t like it when I say we shouldn’t buy those cookies and I don’t like it when he says I should rest and let my knees recover! But we both know that we’re just trying to help each other reach our goals.

Outside of health and fitness, it’s great to have an accountability buddy for work and personal goals as well. It can be nice to have someone to bounce ideas off of and also know that when you’re being lazy and don’t want to create that social post or finish that project, they’ll remind you of why it’s important to accomplish those tasks.

Here are some non-negotiables to have in an accountability buddy:

+ Choose someone you can trust to have your back

+ Choose someone that knows the best way to communicate with you

+ Make sure that you each understand the goals, whether it’s health, work or personal

+ Agree on what level of flexibility there should be before you get started

It feels good knowing I have someone that will gently remind me that I need more vegetables on my plate or that I’ve had enough popsicles for one day… This also works great if you’re trying to stick to a budget or save for a vacation!

Do you have an accountability buddy? What do you use them for?


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