Small Business Spotlight: Lavender & Grace Jewelry

Leading up to the 2020 Holiday Season, I will be introducing you to some of my favourite small business owners. They will be sharing some background about their business, advice that they have for aspiring entrepreneurs and some suggestions for thoughtful Christmas gifts. 

Lavender & Grace Jewelry: Kayla Gabelhouse

It’s no secret that Lavender & Grace Jewelry is one of my favourite small businesses. I wear pieces from Lavender & Grace Jewelry every single day!

I interviewed the owner of Lavender & Grace Jewelry, Kayla Gabelhouse, to get the inside scoop on how she built a successful brand, what misconceptions there are about owning a small business and which L&G piece she would give as a holiday gift!

Small Business Spotlight: Lavender & Grace Jewelry

When and why did you start your business?

I started L&G when I was 18 during my gap year! I was searching for something creative and fun to do, as I had no idea what type of career I wanted or if I wanted to go to school etc. I originally started making pieces just for myself and close friends, then word started spreading from there and I created an Instagram and website for Lavender & Grace. Once I started more intentionally running my business, I realized I was filling a gap in the jewelry industry. As most pieces, at the time, were either cheap and from fast-fashion stores, or they were unaffordable and from luxurious brands I couldn’t afford at 18. So, I created an affordable, good quality jewelry brand for the everyday girl.

What has been the biggest milestone in your business to date?

Most recently, being able to purchase a home with my boyfriend from a self-employed income was a major pinch-me moment! As I never thought L&G would be able to provide a stable income for me, as it started out as a “side-hustle”. But honestly, everyday feels like a milestone, as I am able to create my own schedule, work for myself and provide for myself and my family off of my passion.

Small Business Spotlight: Lavender & Grace Jewelry

Where do you see your business in the next five years?

I am constantly daydreaming and working towards curating a team, as I would love to have a team and an out-of-home studio in the next five years. Currently, I am technically a one-woman show, as I have friends and family help me when I am super busy, as well as I have hired an intern for the past two Holiday seasons, to assist with my busiest time of year. But, I would love to be able to fully support a team of hardworking, passionate and creative individuals that can assist in continuing to grow L&G with me, for many years to come.

What advice would you give to a budding entrepreneur looking to take the leap?

Just do it! Seriously, I don’t think people realize how rewarding owning your own business is! Once you make that leap, you will be so proud that you did.

I think as a society we put so much pressure on ourselves to be perfect and think that we should be creating perfect businesses and having perfect careers. But the truth is, your first piece of jewelry or your first job is never going to be perfect. Just launch and then adjust! It’s better to start somewhere, then to constantly be thinking “Should I launch it?”, and possibly missing the most ideal time to launch.

What is something that you think is a common misconception about owning a small business?

I think our schedule and day-to-day life is something that many people don’t fully understand and try to constantly catch a glimpse of. As being your own boss is a 24/7 job and you’re usually working or thinking or growing your business all of the time! But I also don’t think people realize that being your own boss means you make your own schedule, and you can work smarter not harder. I am at a point in my business where I have been able to build the main foundations of my business for five years, so it is more effortless for me to be able to step back and take some time off, as my business is basically able to run itself to a certain degree. I am able to manage my business in a more efficient way now, versus when I first started it was a constant uphill battle.

What is one personal goal that you have right now?

Thats a really tough question, as I am sort of in a time of transition. As I just recently graduated from College, so I am still majorly adjusting to being a full time business owner instead of spreading my time between school and L&G (like I have for the last 5 years). I think right now, I am working towards spending more devoted time on my business, in hopes of growing my team and working towards hopefully securing a space that is not at home. As well as working on settling into a new routine with more emphasis on spending quality time with my loved ones and myself- which is something that can easily get neglected when starting a business.

What is your favourite Lavender & Grace piece to gift?

That’s SO tough, but I would say the Jo Necklace, as I feel like that was the piece that kind of “put me on the map” as I gained lots of customers and followers on IG from that piece – as everyone loved it! I feel like it’s the piece that seriously looks good with every single outfit and on everyone! So it makes me so proud to see people wearing the Jo Necklace years later since it’s original release!

Small Business Spotlight: Lavender & Grace Jewelry

If you are in the market for some new jewelry or want to find some great holiday gifts for your loved ones, I highly recommend shopping Lavender & Grace Jewelry!

Stay tuned for more Small Business Spotlights to come! And if you are curious about my small business, you can check out my Out of Office series here.

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