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Out of Office: Why I Wanted To Be A Blogger

This past month, many of the realities of blogging as a profession have truly sunk in for me.

As I celebrated some big wins, which you’ll read about later, I faced tons of questions like “So you can make money from blogging?” and “Is this a real job?” There has also been a lot of discussion online about the responsibility of influencers and bloggers when major world events are taking place.

All of this discussion pushed me to consider why I wanted to be a blogger in the first place.

When the pageviews aren’t where you want them to be, brands aren’t responding and you’re being questioned on your career path, it can get to be a bit overwhelming. I have found that at times like this, I need to reflect and remind myself why I chose to leave a secure, high-paying job and dive into blogging.

Why I Wanted To Be A Blogger

I have loved writing since I was in elementary school. I used to write my own short stories, write articles for the newspaper and frequently write in a journal. When blogs became popular about 10 years ago, I was obsessed and read every fashion, career and lifestyle blog I could find.

For years I knew that I would love blogging, but I didn’t really believe that what I had to say would be interesting enough. I don’t buy designer clothes or shop at Restoration Hardware, and I sure as hell don’t know how to do my makeup well. For a while, I really thought that pricey home decor and $200 eye cream were the keys to success as a lifestyle blogger.

Fast-forward to 2019 and I still had the itch to write my own content, share my stories and provide value. I decided that I didn’t need the $200 eye cream to deliver interesting content, and that there were probably plenty of women out there like me who enjoyed the challenge of making a $25 dress look high-end or who wanted to learn about someone else’s morning routine.

I wanted to be a blogger to scratch the writer itch, to share my authentic voice, to inspire others with my drive and ambition, to discuss topics that are important to me. Also, I wanted to utilize my marketing skills to help brands grow and connect with new customers. And, after obsessing over countless outfits, beauty products and home decor finds from other bloggers, I wanted to share my favourites with my audience. Maybe even more importantly, I get a sick thrill out of proving my point with action when others don’t believe in something like I do.

That’s why I wanted to be a blogger. To share my stories, make genuine connections and to create valuable content that I can be proud of and that my readers can find useful or entertaining.

some wins from this month

some losses from this month

june by the numbers

What do you want to see on right now? Send me a message and let me know!

To see more of my Out of Office recaps, click here.

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