How I Stopped Waiting for Perfection

I am writing this post on my couch after shedding a few frustration tears. After a long day at work, I came home to my tenant letting me know that the suite was experiencing a bit of flooding (yay…), followed by her notice that she’ll be moving. 

I then spent an hour of working on my website and getting NOWHERE. I couldn’t connect things that I wanted to connect. It wasn’t laying out the way that I wanted it to. I was going back and forth between “I can do this” and “I’m going to fail and it’s going to suck”.

I am a major perfectionist and when I have a vision, I need it to become a reality just as it is. I often feel like if I can’t do something perfect, I shouldn’t do it. 

A year ago, I decided to join a co-ed soccer team. (I realize that this seems totally unrelated, but bear with me.) I didn’t really know anyone on the team and I hadn’t played in 10 years. It was terrifying for me because I knew that I was not going to be any good, and better still, I wouldn’t be any good in front of a bunch of people that I didn’t know. 

It turned out that joining that team was one of the best things that I have ever done. It gave me an hour a week to get in a solid, fun workout, the opportunity to make some new friends and it led me to my wonderful boyfriend, Kirby. 

Taking that chance and accepting that I wasn’t going to be perfect was 110% the right choice. 


I swear, every podcast I’ve listened to in the last month (which is a lot – I have an hour long work commute) has had a successful entrepreneur sharing advice on how to get started, and every single one of them says: JUST DO IT, like Nike.

So, here I am, publishing my less-than-perfect lifestyle blog with the realization that from here on out, all I can do is improve. I can inch closer and closer to my goal, but first things first, I have to just start. 

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  1. Brittni wrote:

    Yes! So inspiring Hun ?

    Posted 8.8.19 Reply

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