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Out Of Office: The Most Challenging Part Of Self-Employment

You might think that the most challenging part of self-employment is making enough money or staying organized, and those are major hurdles for sure, but I would argue that the most challenging part of self-employment is loneliness.

Something that I didn’t really consider before diving into self-employment was that I would no longer have coworkers. I thought about the fact that I would set my own hours and deadlines, and that the only person depending on my business would be me. But I didn’t think about how I would spend days on end silently working at my laptop at home, waiting for Kirby to get home so that I could have a conversation with someone that didn’t bark back at me…

Throughout COVID and with the new addition to our family, I’ve been spending a lot of time home alone, working away. A few meltdowns later, I’m making a serious effort to connect with other business owners and friends and schedule in time to collaborate, hang out and just talk. I’m also making an effort to chat virtually with other bloggers that can relate.

One day, I dream of having a small team to work with me. I would love to be surrounded by a few great people to bounce ideas off of and collaborate with. Until then, it’s on me to put myself out there and make the effort to not always be alone.

Is this something that you can relate to??

some wins from this month

What do you want to see on right now? Do you like me sharing the work you don’t see? Send me a message and let me know!

To see more of my Out of Office recaps, click here.


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