5 Favourite Starbucks Drinks For Warm Weather

The weather is warming up and I am craving iced Starbucks drinks on the regular! I’ve definitely had to diversify my order since I’ve been pregnant, as I’m trying to limit my caffeine intake, but I still have a coffee every morning. A lot of the iced teas are lower in caffeine, but still a refreshing pick-me-up in the warm weather.

Here are five of my favourite Starbucks drinks for warm weather.

Iced Guava Black Tea Lemonade // So yummy and light. It’s sweet, but the black tea brings it down a notch. I have been grabbing one of those at least three afternoons every week. It helps to curb my cravings for soda. (130 calories, 29g of sugar)

Lifestyle blogger Sammy Hill shares her favourite Starbucks drinks for warm weather.

Iced Brown Sugar Oat Beverage Shaken Espresso // This drink was very tasty, but I could only have a little bit since it’s high in caffeine (255 mg). I’m sure this will be a regular order after baby arrives and I need those three shots of espresso! (120 calories, 13g of sugar)

Lifestyle blogger Sammy Hill shares her favourite Starbucks drinks for warm weather.

Iced Chai Latte – Such a classic! This was my go-to Starbucks drink for years. I like to do almond milk (240 calories, 42 g of sugar)

Iced Peach Green Tea Lemonade // This drink was SO refreshing! Perfect for a hot, sunny day when you need to cool down and need a little pick-me-up. Very peachy! (130 calories, 29g of sugar)

Lifestyle blogger Sammy Hill shares her favourite Starbucks drinks for warm weather.

Very Berry Hibiscus Starbucks Refresher // Very sweet, but delicious if you like berry flavours! I probably wouldn’t order this one often, but it is a nice treat now and then, with low calories too! (90 calories, 20g of sugar)

Lifestyle blogger Sammy Hill shares her favourite Starbucks drinks for warm weather.

Writing this post has me very thirsty now! What are your favourite Starbucks drinks from warm weather? Do you prefer iced coffee or iced tea?

If Starbucks isn’t your thing and you’d rather enjoy a fun mocktail, check out these four tasty mocktail recipes that I shared.

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