Out of Office: Growing A Business As A Mom

This month was full of lessons as a business owner and new mom, and it was also probably my most difficult month in business to date. It was challenging to split my time with Mara and work, to feel the pressure of earning an income while changing diapers and feeding every three hours, and to face rejections in a postpartum state when I’m very emotional.

There were moments that I questioned if I could really grow a business as a mom. If my sponsored content wasn’t performing well or if brands were rejecting my pitches, I didn’t feel like I had the time or energy to improve the content, engage with my audience or take more rejection. I was tired from less sleep, busy caring for Mara and feeling a bit defeated.

I tried to remind myself, and Kirby did too, that growing a business as a mom was bound to be challenging, but routine and practice would make it easier. Mara is just a month old and we’re becoming more and more settled each day. I know that balancing motherhood and career will never be easy, but it will be worth it. I hope that one day, my little girl can see what her mom has built and she can be proud of me!

Lifestyle Blogger Sammy Hill shares how she's handling growing her business as a mom.

I also hope that this post resonates with others. It’s not always rainbows and butterflies and there are many challenges that we face, rejection and failures. Despite all that, I do my best to celebrate the wins. Even something as simple as publishing all of my branded content this month, while taking care of Mara, should be celebrated!

some wins from this month

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To see more of my Out of Office recaps, click here.

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