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Out of Office: Building A Community

If you happened to watch my IG Live with Kirby at the beginning of May, you may have heard me talk about my favourite thing about my career.

Something that I hadn’t really expected to happen, or at least not in my first year of blogging, was that I would begin to grow a real community. And I’m not just talking about people reading my blog consistently.

Over the last few months, I have noticed a real shift in how I approach my blog and brand. I have been establishing real connections and relationships with people through my platforms, and it has made me see this business differently. 

I love that I am building this community and it has encouraged me to use my platforms to host more of a conversation. I have been asking questions and listening to the answers, producing content that my community is asking for and being as responsive as I can. The fun conversations that go down in the DMs are my favourite.

I recognize that my community is still small, but it feels so nice to have people in your corner. To have people, even people you’ve never met before, supporting you and sharing in honest and real conversations. Every comment, message and response to a question that I ask are so appreciated, you have no idea.

When I started this blog, it was really for me. A creative outlet, a place that I could share my thoughts. Both the blog and Instagram are still my creative outlets, and it’s my business, but I’m glad these platforms have also become a place for me to create new friendships and chat with my growing community.

To those of you in this community – thank you. I hope that we can keep the conversation going and invite some new friends to the party.

some wins from this month

some losses from this month

may by the numbers

What do you want to see on right now? Send me a message and let me know!

To see more of my Out of Office recaps, click here.

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