Wellness Wednesday: My Honest Review of the BBG Program

If you follow me on Instagram, you probably know that I’ve been doing Kayla Itsines’ BBG program in the SWEAT app for about five weeks now. I have never been one to stick to a fitness program, I usually like to pick and choose my workouts based on how I feel that day, but I have followed through with each workout in this program for five weeks!

My Honest Review of the BBG Program

I had heard so much about the BBG program before I started, but really, I had no clue how it worked. If you’re in that same boat, I thought it might be helpful for me to share my honest review of the app and the program!

My Honest Review of the BBG Program

The BBG program kicks off with eight Beginner weeks to get you used to the workouts and help you to build on your fitness rather than jumping right into burpees and other unpleasant movements. You need very minimal equipment to do the workouts (dumbbells, mat, chair, resistance band) and the structure is very easy to follow. 

In the first four weeks, you do a Lower Body workout, a Full Body workout, an optional Upper Body workout, two LISS (low intensity steady state) and an Active Recovery Workout. Each resistance workout is 28 minutes and the LISS is as long as you want it to be. LISS can be jogging, walking, cycling or sports. 

Alright, so my thoughts on the BBG program. Honestly, I really love this workout program. I did find the first four weeks to be pretty easy, but I stayed the course because I understood that they were meant to build me up to the harder weeks. I appreciate that this program is not all weights and not all cardio, but a fairly even split of the two. I also really like the Active Recovery Workout because that’s something I’ve never really done. 

My Honest Review of the BBG Program

My eating habits certainly could have been better in the first four weeks of the program, so I think the visual results could have been even better, but I do feel that I can see results from these first few weeks. My abs are tighter and more defined, as are my legs, and the best part is that I feel stronger. 

If you asked me before I started BBG to do 50 proper sit-ups, I probably would have laughed. It’s not even that I knew I couldn’t do that, I just didn’t feel strong enough to say I could or to even try. Now, 50 sit-ups is no problem. 

All in all, I really enjoy the BBG program and I’m looking forward to continuing the workouts!

My Honest Review of the SWEAT App

I have tried quite a few workout apps and I have to say, this is one of my favourites. The app is very simple to use, but packs in a ton of content. At a glance, you can see the workouts that are scheduled for you for the week, a meal plan for the week complete with a grocery list, your progress photos and access to the SWEAT community. 

My Honest Review of the BBG Program

Once in a workout, you can see the movements demonstrated by the trainer, read about the movements and see what’s next. Something that I LOVE about this app is that the timer is super straightforward and it beeps to let you know when to switch sides. For example, if you’re doing a side plank, it will beep at 20 seconds to let you know to switch to your right if you started on the left. 

I’m someone who loves checking things off a list, so I really like that the Weekly Planner in the app shows the workouts you’ve completed and what you have left to do. 

As I’m sure you can tell, I really do like this program and the app! I saw results fairly quickly and I really enjoy the structure of the program. It keeps me accountable and I actually look forward to my workouts. I actually miss working out when I get to the end of the rest day!

Have you done BBG? What were your thoughts on the program?

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  1. Sarah T wrote:

    I’ve wanted to try the ap… I had tried a few of her workouts years ago before they developed an ap so hearing a positive review from someone I know might just be the kick in the butt I need!

    Posted 5.13.20 Reply
    • Do it girl! I think that it’s worth the money and the app is really user-friendly. Let me know if you try it!

      Posted 5.13.20 Reply

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