My Tips For Money Management

If there is one thing that I’m slightly obsessive about, it’s money. I have always kept a close eye on my bank accounts and been very strategic about where my money goes, but at the same time, I like to spend. And Kirby really likes to spend! I’m no pro, and you should definitely speak with a financial advisor if you have money management questions, but I do have a few tips that keep me on track.

Lifestyle blogger Sammy Hill shares her tips for money management.

Money Management Tip #1

Keep track of your money. Whether you use a traditional budget or just list out what you have coming in and going out, I think it’s super important to pay attention to what you’re bringing out and where you’re spending it. I use the Budget by Paycheck printable sheets to budget and track my income and expenses. Since both Kirby and I get paid from multiple sources on random days, this has been super helpful.

I personally don’t use the whole workbook, but I use the monthly calendars, expense trackers and paycheque bill trackers.

Money Management Tip #2

Order groceries online! Without a doubt, I have saved a ton of money this year by ordering my groceries through Instacart. I know some items end up being more than if I went in-store myself, and you have to pay either for delivery or an annual delivery fee, but I save so much by being able to see my total cost before checkout.

It’s all too easy in-store to grab whatever looks good and walk up to the till with no clue what the final tally will be. When I order with Instacart, I can add or remove items to make sure that I’m within my budget before I get to the checkout screen. Plus, no gas needed to get to the store!

Money Management Tip #3

This is one that I have worked on improving for a long time now! You know when you go into a store for one thing and they don’t have it, but you see two or three other items that are cute or would do the trick? Practice not buying those items that will ‘do the trick’ or that weren’t already on your list. I swear I save hundreds of dollars a month by just sticking to my shopping list.

Money Management Tip #4

Set some financial goals to hold yourself accountable. I was much better with money when I was saving to buy my house. I’m still pretty good with money, but it is a bit more difficult when sharing finances with your S.O., taking care of two dogs, a house and preparing for a baby.

When I feel off track with my money management, I like to set realistic goals to help me stay focused. Sometimes that looks like “I want to make X more income this month” or “I need to save X to replenish my savings”.

I’ve also talked a bit about how to save money when you don’t have any, and with two growing businesses and a baby on the way, this is probably a post that I should refer back to ASAP!


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