Mid-Year Check In: Rewriting My 2020 Goals

Well, 2020 has been interesting so far, hasn’t it? I’ve been so caught up in the chaos and busting my ass with work that I feel like I’ve gotten a bit off track. I figured it would be a good time to do a little 2020 goals check in and make some adjustments. I’ve also added a few new goals for the year at the end of this post.

2020 Goals Check In

First things first, let’s see how I’ve done with the goals I set back in January…

Create and stick to a healthy routine – While I have been working out consistently and walking Odie every day, I’ve gotten pretty far away from a routine. With our kitchen renovation taking over our lives, it’s been hard to keep a routine going. Once the kitchen is complete, I’m determined to get back on track!

Earn half of my income from my blog – Not quite there yet with this one. I have invested in some education to help me achieve this goal and I have made great strides towards it in the last few months as well. My LIKEtoKNOW.it following and income continues to grow, and I’m starting to work on paid brand deals as well. Sometimes my lack of patience gets the better of me when it comes to making money!

Workout 3-4 days per week – I’m proud to say that I am CRUSHING this goal. Since I’ve been doing the BBG program in the SWEAT app, I’ve been working out six days a week. I’ve seen a lot of positive change in my body and it has certainly helped my mental clarity as well.


Design my home office – While I do have an office space at home, it has taken a bit of a back burner position with the kitchen reno. Once the house is back together, I should have time to create an inspiring workspace.

Cook a new meal once per week – Another goal that has been difficult to do thanks to the kitchen reno – haha. But I’m pleased to say that I actually have been cooking new meals most of the year. Kirby and I have been testing out a meal plan that we really like (I’m going to share a post on it once we get back into it in the new kitchen) and I’ve made tons of new meals from the plan!

Plan a weekly date night with Kirby – We spend sooo much time together, especially since quarantine hit. We haven’t been very good about planning a “date night”, but we have tried to make the best of the time we are spending together doing renos, working on the yard and working on our businesses.

Grow a vegetable garden – Huge fail. Mega fail. Didn’t even get the dirt yet. There’s always next year!

So that’s a little 2020 goals check in based on what I had set out in January, but a lot has changed since then. I have a few new and revised goals that I’m going to focus on for the rest of 2020.

Let that shit go. – I know that I can get pretty worked up and stressed out, and I need to remember to let that shit go. Kirby has said to me that when things don’t go our way, let’s challenge ourselves to laugh instead of cry or scream or get angry. My biggest goal for the rest of 2020 is to laugh off the small stuff and let it go. It will all work out in the end.

2020 Goals Check In

Land 5 paid brand deals and double my LIKEtoKNOW.it income – I’m choosing to create more specific, attainable goals around my business. I am also working to grow my audience and reach new babes that want to share in my lifestyle. I’m perfectly happy to hustle and make my career dreams come true!

Create more connections – I’m loving connecting with other bloggers via social media, and connecting with readers (like you!), and I’m looking forward to making even more connections over the next few months. When I’m about to pull my hair out over another issue in the kitchen reno, I love that I can turn to my girls on IG for some support!

I think that it is so important to revisit your goals often and revise when necessary. Sometimes you need to take some pressure off of yourself, sometimes you need to get more specific and add a little fire under your ass.

Have you done a 2020 goals check in? Let me know what goals you’re focused on in the last half of this year!

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