How I’ve Practiced Self Care In Quarantine

We are starting to get somewhat back to normal after quarantine, but something that I think I will continue to do post-quarantine is practice self care. I have always been one to push through whatever pains or stresses are bothering me and try to ignore them, but during quarantine, I have been forced to find some ways to de-stress and take care of myself. 

Read on to learn about how I’ve been practicing self care in quarantine.

Taking Time Off Of Work

This is a really tough one for me and I usually fail miserably at it! While I do take breaks, I find that I often do some work every single day. Lately, I’ve been taking weekends off of work and committing to spending more time with friends and family (that are part of my small bubble). Taking this time away from my phone and my laptop has been huge for me and helped me to feel like I actually have a life outside of work. 

Jade Rolling

How I've Practiced Self Care In Quarantine

Some people may laugh at me about this one, but I feel so calm when I use a cold jade roller on my face! I keep two jade rollers in the fridge and when I’m feeling stressed out, I just give my face a good roll. It’s soothing and promotes lymphatic drainage!

Take A Hot Shower

I know that the normal thing to do for self care is take a bath, but we don’t have a bathtub in our house, so a hot shower it is! Also, for some reason our shower only goes molten lava or Edmonton winter, so molten lava it is! But seriously, a hot shower does wonders for me and makes me feel alive.

Get A Workout In

I’ve been crushing the BBG program in the SWEAT app and it always makes me feel good to get a workout in. It’s as much for my mental state as physical. It’s especially been good to get these workouts in during quarantine when I haven’t been able to go to group fitness classes at the gym.

Forgiving Myself

I have been practicing forgiving myself more often. I forgive myself for not getting enough work done, for not getting the house clean and for not giving Odie enough attention. Sometimes it’s hard to squeeze everything in, but I have to tell myself that I’m doing the best I can and that is enough. I know that the second I say “Want to go for a walk?”, Odie will forgive me too.

Have you been practicing self care in quarantine? Let me know what has worked for you!

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