7 Things To Do When You Feel Unproductive

We’ve all had days where we really need to accomplish things, but we just feel super unproductive. I have one of those days at least once a week! I used to get really down on myself when I would have an unproductive day, but I’ve since learned what to do when I’m feeling unproductive and these strategies have helped me to get back on track.

Here are seven things to do when you feel unproductive.

Write down whatever is on your mind

When I’m feeling unproductive, it’s usually because I have a lot on my mind and can’t focus. When that happens, I find it helpful to write down whatever is on my mind. Getting my thoughts on paper helps me to prioritize, and I often realize that I don’t have as much to do as I thought I did.

7 Things To Do When You Feel Unproductive

Hop in the shower

Having a hot, hot shower is my solution to everything. Not feeling well? Hit the showers. Anxiety getting the best of you? Hit the showers. Smell bad? Please, take a shower. Feeling unproductive? Take a shower!

I always feel better and reinvigorated after I’ve taken a nice hit shower. You’ll feel fresh and ready to either get shit done or go to bed. And both are great options.

Set a timer on your task

When I feel unproductive, but I really need to get something done, I’ll set a timer and commit to getting as much done before the timer goes off as possible. I just have to push through the block, and I know that when the timer goes off, I can take a break.

Go for a walk

7 Things To Do When You Feel Unproductive
Love going for productive walks with my little family!

Another activity that can cure most mental blocks is a good walk. I walk Odie at least once a day, and I often try to do so when I’m feeling unproductive. Kirby and I like to chat about our businesses and strategy on walks, and it really gets my juices flowing and gets me excited to get back to work.

Add and complete easy tasks on your to-do list

I write out a to-do list every day and challenge myself to check each task off. I like to include some quick and easy tasks, as well as personal health tasks, so that I can check them off my list. Sometimes, when you’re feeling unproductive, checking off simple tasks can help you to feel like you’re being more productive. You trick your mind into thinking you’re in the productive zone and BAM, you are.

For me, these tasks include drinking three bottles of water, walking Odie, completing my workout, taking vitamins and scheduling pins on Pinterest.

Change your environment

This is certainly harder to do in the midst of COVID, but changing up your working environment can be just what you need to get in the zone. If you can work at a coffee shop or co-working space, give it a try. If you can’t, is there a different room in your home or a spot in your office where you can work from? Sometimes, a change of scenery is all you need.

7 Things To Do When You Feel Unproductive

Take time to be unproductive

It’s okay to be unproductive sometimes. This has been a hard lesson for me to learn, but you don’t have to be getting shit done 24/7. If you feel unproductive mid-day on a Monday, and you can, then I think you should just accept it and watch a movie or something. If you feel bursts of productivity on Saturday at 6pm, get to work! Don’t beat yourself up because you’re not feeling productive when you think you should be.

What do you do when you feel this way? Let me know your favourite tips for productivity!

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