4 Ways To Update Your Home Decor Under $50

I don’t know about you, but I always feel like my home decor could use a refresh, especially with a new season around the corner. That said, I certainly don’t have the funds to completely redecorate every season or even a few times a year. Luckily, there are some budget-friendly things you can do to update your space. I’m sharing four ways to update your home decor under $50.

+ Create DIY Art // I love creating my own art! Not only is it cost-effective, but it also adds a personal touch to your home. I love swinging by Michaels and picking up a canvas or two and some paints and making my own masterpiece. My latest project was this cool plaster canvas. I used some drywall mud and spread it in different directions on a cheap canvas for a neutral, textured piece of art for my hallway.

Lifestyle blogger Sammy Hill shares 4 ways to update your home decor under $50.

+ Switch Up Your Cushion Covers // This is something that I rarely think to do, but it makes such a difference! Instead of buying all new throw pillows when you want to update a room, you can keep the original cushion and replace the cover with something fresh and new. I’ve linked a few options I really like under $50.


+ Add Greenery // One easy and affordable way to update your home decor under $50 is to add some greenery. You guys already know that I love to frequent my local garden centre, Better Earth Gardens, to fill my home with beautiful greenery. I like some eucalyptus in a nice vase, a large basket planter with a moclame fig and drapey plants in a hanging planter. You can check out some of my favourite easy-to-care-for house plants for more inspiration.

Lifestyle blogger Sammy Hill shares the home finds that she's loving lately.

Another thing to consider when shopping at your local garden centre is if some of the available planters might make nice shelf decor! I scored one from Better Earth on a recent visit that looks great on my kitchen shelves with nothing in it.

+ Thrifting // Duh! When I bought my house, nearly all of my home decor was thrifted. I spent a lot of time at Value Village hunting for gems. I was able to find tons of vases, knick-knacks, artwork and books for $20 or less that helped to make my home feel more complete and curated. I even found a little rocking chair there for $5 that we are going to recover and put in the nursery!

(That little green car in the photo above? Thrifted!)

You don’t have to spend a ton of money to update your home. I like to use these tips to refresh my home regularly and save my pennies for furniture or renovations instead of home decor that I may want to switch up in a few months anyway.

What are your favourite ways to update your home decor under $50?

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