My Favourite Healthy-ish Snacks

I am SUCH a snacker. My family and friends call me ‘the grazer’ because I always have a snack of some sort nearby. 

Lately, I’ve been trying to cut down on the sugary, not so healthy snacks and turn to slightly healthier alternatives…. Slightly. A little less buttery popcorn covered in seasoning, a little more blueberries and bananas.

Here are a few of my favourite healthy-ish snacks right now!

Peanut Butter Bites

These are my fave and they never last long in my house! Luckily, these are so easy to make and only have five ingredients. I just mix together:

  • 2/3 cup of peanut butter
  • 1 cup rolled oats
  • ½ cup chocolate chips
  • Handful of flax seeds
  • 2 tablespoons of honey

Once mixed, I put the mixture in the fridge for about 20 minutes and then roll into bite sized balls. So easy to grab this snack and go!

My Favourite Healthy-ish Snacks

Hummus & Pretzel Chips

I enjoy this snack on the rare occasion that I can get to the hummus before Kirby eats it all. We love the Snack Factory pretzel crisps dipped into our favourite hummus. The hardest part is knowing when to stop! 

Cheese and Crackers

I have tried hard to cut out a lot of dairy, but sour cream and cheese are just really hard for me to let go of! I love me some cheese and crackers, and I would love to find some dairy-free options that are still tasty!

Dark Chocolate Bark

One thing that I love about dark chocolate is that the taste is so intense that I just can’t have more than a few small pieces at a time. It really helps to curb my cravings! I really like this dark chocolate bark from KIND. It has almonds and sea salt!

My Favourite Healthy-ish Snacks

Fruits & Veggies

By far the easiest healthy snack to gravitate to are my favourite fruits and vegetables. I LOVE tomatoes, especially cherry tomatoes, and I eat them almost every day. (Find out more about my tomato obsession here – lol.) I dip them in hummus or douse them in Italian dressing. I also love cucumber slices, olives, broccoli and brussels sprouts to snack on!

What are your favourite healthy-ish snacks? 

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