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What I’m Thankful For This Year

What I'm Thankful For This Year

It’s been a wild year so far, but despite the lows, there is still so much to be thankful for. Today is Canadian Thanksgiving, and there is no better time to reflect and remind ourselves about all of the good that we’ve experienced this year.

This year has been huge for me. From growing a business to renovating our home, so much has changed in a year and there are more changes to come. Not everything has gone according to plan, but I’m grateful for the lessons that I’ve learned from missteps as well.

These are the things that I am most thankful for this year.


Of course I’m thankful for this guy! I feel so lucky to have a partner that is ambitious, supportive, loves to have fun and takes such great care of Odie and I. Leaving my full-time job and diving into entrepreneurship might not have been possible this year without Kirby. He has been so, so supportive of my business (putting up with all of the photoshoots) and I love that he has his own professional ambitions that I can support.


I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again – this dog changed my life. Adopting Odie was the best thing I’ve ever done, and bringing him into my life created a snowball of other amazing things that followed. He has given me purpose, companionship and a lot of love. Giving Odie a better life has been one of the most rewarding things I’ve ever experienced.


I’m always thankful for the support of my family. Whether they are sharing my blog posts or talking me through a meltdown, I know that they always have my back and want the best for me, Kirby and Odie. I’m so grateful that both my family and Kirby’s are so tight-knit and that we get to spend so much time together.

My Growing Community

This growing community of mine has treated me so well this year! I can’t explain what it means to me to have people reading my blog posts, liking, commenting on and saving my Instagram posts and purchasing though my links. I am SO thankful for your support of my business, as it helps me to support my little family. I have big things planned for this community in the coming year, and I’m happy to have you along for the ride.

My Health

In a year where health has been more of a priority than ever before, I am beyond thankful for my health and wellness, and for the health of my family. It has been difficult at times to deal with the repercussions of COVID – visiting my 91-year old grandmother through her care home’s windows has been extremely hard – but I know it’s for the best to keep those most at risk safe.

I have prioritized my own health by taking precautions when out and about, visiting a chiropractor and massage therapist, eating well and getting in a good sweat on a regular basis.

My Home

When I bought this house in 2017, it was ugly AF, but I saw all of the potential in it. This year, we helped the house reach its potential by renovating the main living space, kitchen, office and half bathroom. We also did a bit of work on the yard. I’m so thankful to have a beautiful place to live, work and play, spend quality time with my family, and own a property that has significantly increased in value.

Originally, I had planned to renovate and sell this house, but now that we’ve made it our own, we plan to stay a while longer.

I’ve had so much to be thankful for in 2020. I know that has not been the case for everyone, but I hope that each of you has something to be grateful for this year.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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