What I Want This Month // February 2021

Although most of my shopping these days seems to be baby focused, I still have a few things on my own wish list. I’m sharing what I want this February, including a few maternity items.

Click on each item to shop.


split end salve // Already ordered this one! I’m trying to take better care of my hair, and I’ve heard good things about this split end treatment. I’ll let you guys know what I think!

long plaid jacket // I saw this jacket on Sivan Ayla and loved it! So chic and simple, and under $50.

fuzzy slides // These $20 slides would be perfect for wearing around the house.

linen maternity dress // This linen dress is so cute and would likely work whether pregnant or not. I’m sure I’ll be living in dresses like this when the weather heats up.

baby onesies // Okay, these are super cute and gender neutral! I’ll have to add these to my baby shopping list.

nightstand // We’ve added some new bedroom furniture to our space and now I need nightstands to match the rest of the furniture. With a beautiful wood bed frame installed, I want some simple wood nightstands to compliment it.

graphic tee // I love a good graphic tee and this one is so subtle, it’s perfect. You know I love my neutrals!

fuzzy blanket // This blanket is very similar to the Barefoot Dreams blanket and about half the price. I’m thinking it would be great for baby.

maternity drawstring leggings // I don’t really need maternity leggings yet, but I want to be prepared! These ones look comfy and I love the drawstring.

body exfoliator // I absolutely loved the Nécessaire body wash, so naturally, I now want to try the body exfoliator next! I’ve been loving the Eucalyptus scent, so I would probably stick with that.

chelsea boots // I’ve been hunting for the perfect pair of black Chelsea boots, and I think this might be the pair. I love that the heel isn’t very high and they seem to be a good height.

balloon sleeve sweatshirt // Give me all of the oversized sweatshirts. I really can’t get enough of this style, especially when it’s chilly out and all I want to do is curl up in my loungewear.

And that’s what I want this February! What’s on your wish list lately?

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