Wellness Wednesday: My Favourite Workouts Right Now

I’ve been taking my health and wellness much more seriously than I ever have before, and with that I’ve gotten SO much better at planning my workouts and adding some variety to my routine. 

In the past, at home workouts were not only my go-to, they were the only thing that I did to stay in shape. But as I’ve become more interested in fitness and more confident in my fitness level, I’ve branched out and diversified my workout routine to include group fitness, team sports and personal training as well.

Here’s a look at what my weekly fitness routine looks like.

Sunday Pilates 

I love how intense pilates can feel in the moment. I like to do the Melissa Wood Health pilates classes that you can find on her website, or movements from Lia Bartha’s Instagram. I also recently went to Club Pilates for the first time and it was amazing! Pilates on the reformer is a game changer. Unfortunately, it’s quite pricey and they don’t allow drop-in…

Monday At-Home Workout

Mondays are usually super busy for me, so I often choose to workout at home that day. My favourite at-home workouts lately are from Sami Clarke’s Instagram. I get a good sweat out of her Booty Builder and 10 Minute Abs workouts, and she uses super minimal equipment, which is nice when you’re working out at home.


Tuesday Tabata 

Kirby teaches a Tabata class at our gym on Tuesdays, and as a supportive girlfriend, I rarely miss a class. It’s a HIIT class and he uses all kinds of equipment, including dumbbells, resistance bands, steps and kettlebells. I always give him shit for making me do too many planks after class.

Wednesday Rest Day

Usually I take Wednesdays off, but sometimes I’ll hit up a Barre class or do another at-home workout if I’m feeling it. 

My Favourite Workouts Right Now

Thursday Personal Training 

On Thursdays, I try to get to the gym and do a 1-on-1 session with Kirby. We run a few laps of the track and then he puts me through a workout, usually focused on arms and chest. I’ve never been a “gym person” so it’s been kind of cool to learn how to use the equipment and get a good, focused sweat in.

Friday/Saturday Soccer 

I play on a co-ed indoor soccer team from September to March and we play on Friday or Saturday nights. This is my favourite workout of the week! 

I’ve also signed up for a soccer academy to work on my ball control and awareness, and I can’t wait to start. 

Last but not least, whenever I can squeeze it in I do yoga, either through an app like Nike Training Club or a heated class at Oxygen Yoga in Kelowna. 

Not every week looks like this. Sometimes, I’m lucky to get two of these workouts in, and that’s okay. As long as I hold myself accountable to getting back on track if I wander off, I’m proud of myself for making fitness a priority.

What’s your favourite workout? Tell me – I’d love to try something new!

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