Wellness Wednesday: My Favourite Self-Improvement Books

A lot of the time, we think of wellness as eating well and getting to the gym, but it’s important to take care of our minds and keep them healthy as well. 

One of my favourite ways to take care of my mind is to read and indulge in self-improvement books. I know some people hate on self-improvement books, and honestly, I don’t really care. I like to read this category of books to remind myself to look closely at my life, evaluate it and find ways to improve my day-to-day. I believe that it’s healthy to re-evaluate and to check yourself now and then!

That said, these are some of my favourite self-improvement books that I’ve read.

You Are A Badass by Jen Sincero

I have marked so many pages in this book, and I’ve revisited it many times! Jen Sincero dives deep into gratitude, manifestation and some serious reality checks. One of my greatest takeaways from this book was to start paying attention to what my “stories” are and to keep them from disrupting my life.  

It’s Called A Breakup Because It’s Broken by Greg Behrendt and Amiira Ruotola-Behrendt

This book was hilarious. Before Kirby, I did not have a great dating history – lol. I read this book back when I was like 21 or 22 and I LOVED it. It was so funny and also had plenty of confidence boosters spread throughout the book. Even if you’re not going through a breakup, this book will give you some laughs. 

The Subtle Art of Not Giving A F*ck by Mark Manson

I’m sure you’ve heard of this book. This book is a great wakeup call and reminder that life is what you make it. My favourite parts of the book are the chapter called “You Are Always Choosing” and the section about “certainty” being the enemy of growth. Manson is kind of brutal, but it’s kind of necessary. I know that I will read this book over and over for years to come.

Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert

This book is all about living a creative life and tapping into your abilities. Reading this one gave me some necessary pushes out of my comfort zone and into my creativity zone. Prepare to be inspired!

My Favourite Self Improvement Books

And these are some of the books that I’m looking forward to reading!

Daring Greatly by Brene Brown

I got this book for Christmas from my sister and I can’t wait to dive into it! I’ve watched Brene Brown’s TED talks and was so inspired by her. 

Girl, Wash Your Face by Rachel Hollis

From the sounds of it, this one will take the idea of “your stories” even further and I’m sure it will be full of some great reality checks!

You Are A Badass at Making Money by Jen Sincero

I loved her first book, so I’m sure the second one is just as good! Plus, I love reading anything about money and how to manifest it.

What are your favourite self-improvement books? I’d love to read them!

If you’re not into self-improvement, or you just want some fun fiction picks, click here for my favourite thriller books.

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