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Wellness Wednesday: 5 Ways to Escape the Winter Blues

5 Ways to Escape the Winter Blues

The excitement of the holidays is over and the winter blues are starting to set in. Where I live, January, February and March are typically pretty dreary and wet, so the winter blues can really creep in and get you down. 

I don’t know about you, but I don’t have time to feel down or sad! Here are some of my favourite ways to escape the winter blues.

Take a vacation!

Duh – This is an obvious one. To really escape the winter blues, take a spontaneous vacation to a tropical destination! Sunshine and warmth can do wonders for your mood in the winter, and taking a break after a crazy holiday season doesn’t hurt either.

We visited Laguna Beach in October for Kirby’s sister’s wedding. I could head back right about now!

If I could jet set anywhere right now, I’d be heading to the Fairmont in Barbados! Doesn’t that place look beautiful?

Enjoy a spa day

If you just need to destress a little, a spa day could be all that you need. Whether you book a day at a local spa to be pampered with massages and treatments, or you have a spa day at home with face masks and DIY pedicures, a little self care can go a long way to beat the winter blues. Plus, taking good care of your skin will help you to avoid dry, flaky winter skin!

Sweat it out

A good sweat can help to improve your mood, no matter the time of year. Lately, I’ve been trying different workouts and studios that I haven’t tried before and it’s been greatly helping to improve my mood! I’ve been doing a Tabata class every week, I play indoor soccer once a week and I’ve tried hot yoga and pilates recently as well. It actually feels so good to come out of a tough class into the cold winter air!

Book a staycation in your hometown

If you can’t jet set off to a tropical destination, the next best thing is to book a staycation in your town. Scope out a nice hotel or AirBnb in your area and take a few days to decompress in a new space. Personally, I’d be looking for a resort, hotel or AirBnb with a nice pool, hot tub and a luxurious spa, so it at least FEELS like I’m on vacation.

Choose a passion project and work at it!

One of the best ways I’ve found to get out of a funk or avoid those winter blues is to pick a passion project and work hard at it. For me, that passion project is my blog, and I get SO much more done on it in the winter when it’s cold and dark out. 

Your passion project could be a blog, a Youtube channel, a podcast, writing a book or learning photography. There are really cool courses on Masterclass if you are looking to learn something new. Whatever makes you happy and will keep you busy until the snow melts and the sun comes out!

Don’t let winter get to you this year! Let me know if you try one of these ways to escape the winter blues.


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