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Out of Office: Staying Motivated

Lifestyle blogger Sammy Hill shares her Out of Office recap and how she's staying motivated.

I’ve heard that January and February are some of the most challenging months for bloggers, and I believe that now. Staying motivated through the slower months can be tough, and I definitely had some moments in the last month where I felt stress and discomfort. But if you’re too comfortable, you’re not growing – right?

Between ugly weather, pregnancy headaches and slow sales, this month was challenging and it was difficult to stay in a good headspace. I had to work hard to stay motivated, and I wanted to share some of the things that helped me.

+ Brainstorming with Kirby – We are both passionate entrepreneurs and we can’t get through a meal without talking a bit of business. It’s nice to have someone with an interest in my business to bounce ideas off of.

+ Mid-Day Walks – When I get into a funk, a walk around the neighbourhood with Odie can help me to clear my head. Working from home, it can be easy to forget to take a break. Breaks are essential to refocusing, and a walk can exercise your body and mind.

+ Planning For The Busy Season – Recognizing the downtime in my industry has been a blessing because it allows me to remember that this will not last. I can take this slow season to plan and prepare to capitalize on the busier times of the year.

some wins from this month

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To see more of my Out of Office recaps, click here.

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