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Out of Office: My Toughest Month Yet

Out of Office February

Okay, a little real talk here for my February edition of Out of Office.

I knew that starting my own business would be filled with peaks and valleys, but I wasn’t really prepared for the valley that was February. 

Call it mercury in retrograde or whatever you want, my mood was super off this month. I was dealing with a tough cold for most of the month, some aggravating skin issues and just a lot of overwhelm, and I really let it get to me. 

On top of that, I felt like I had completely lost momentum with my blog and it weighed on me. I have been putting so much effort and time into my blog, Instagram, giveaways and avoiding cutting corners like buying followers, engagement tribes, etc. January was a GREAT month for me and I saw great growth, but things really slowed down in February. 

It can be very discouraging and disheartening when you are putting so much creative energy into something that you own, and not getting the response that you hope for. 

That said, I know that is a decision to be discouraged and disheartened, and it is a decision to be optimistic and positive. So I am going to make the decision to be optimistic and positive about the growth and response that I will see in this next month! Time to get shit done.

some wins from this month:

some losses from this month:

february by the numbers

I hope that you enjoy reading the very real and raw details of this out of office journey of mine. I love having a space to talk about this and I hope that it might be helpful to someone else one day!

If you have any questions about my Out of Office career, send me a DM on Instagram or send me an email at

Thanks for reading! xoxo

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