Out of Office: Learning To Ask For Help

Each month, my business continues to grow and grow, and I could not be happier to see my hard work paying off. As stoked as I am to see this growth, it can also be a bit overwhelming, especially while I’m still balancing some freelance work. I’ve definitely had to learn how to ask for help as my blog and brand grow.

Out of Office: Learning To Ask For Help

Asking for help is not easy for those of us who like to have control, but it’s essential to building a brand. I’ve always felt like, this is the career that I’ve chosen, so it’s wrong to ask others to do my work for me. In reality though, it’s not as much about others doing my work as it is having a variety of knowledge and opinions.

I recognize that I’m not an expert in all aspects of my business, so there is no shame in looking to experts to help me move my business forward. Here are a few of the things that I’ve done to get help with my business lately:

  • Worked with a photographer (the amazing Boketto Photography) on the upcoming Santa Sammy campaign.
  • Scheduled a strategy call with my team at rewardStyle.
  • Discussed accounting support with a bookkeeper, Upscale Bookkeeping.
  • I’m hiring a strategic consultant and tech team in 2021 (!!) So excited about this.
  • Lastly, I’m very lucky that my man is so supportive and takes most of my outfit photos, sponsored photos and helps me with linking.

It’s become so important for me to ask for help and support, and it’s really something that I’m working on. Once you see some of my wins from this month below, you’ll understand why I need to accept some help!

some wins from this month

november by the numbers

  • Over 5,800 page views on the blog.
  • This was my highest earning month on LIKEtoKNOW.it – I nearly doubled my last highest earning month.
  • Collaborated with three amazing brands.

What do you want to see on SammmyHill.com right now? Send me a message and let me know!

To see more of my Out of Office recaps, click here.

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