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Non-Negotiables For My Work Day

For the most part, I’m pretty disciplined when it comes to work. As an entrepreneur that works alone and from home, I have to be! Each day looks a little different, but I do have some non-negotiables for my work day that stay consistent. They help me to stay on track with my goals and focused.

Photo by Danielle Serres Photography

+ Review analytics // This is something that I do every single day! I feel like it’s important to know where my numbers are at all times so that I can make quick decisions that will influence those numbers. I check my website stats and rewardStyle analytics daily to stay in the know.

+ Post to // I have posted content to the app every day for over a year. I think that’s it’s important to keep a regular presence there and offer my followers and readers an up-to-date shop that includes tons of products that they may want to shop.

+ Show up on Instagram // This can be difficult some days, but I try to show up on Instagram every day in some form. Whether it’s a feed post, IG stories or just engaging with others, I make a point of staying connected and growing my community. Spending time on Instagram daily is just as routine as brushing my teeth.

+ Clean up my inbox // I’m not super tough on myself about this one, but I do try to clear my email inbox daily. It can get cluttered quickly, so I make a point of responding to client emails and collaboration requests quickly, and I move emails I can handle later to a separate inbox. If this weren’t one of my non-negotiables, I would lose my mind every time I looked at my email!

There is so much work that you don’t see behind this little blog of mine!

What are some non-negotiables that you have in your work day? Do you work from home or have a routine in the office?

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