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My Work From Home Schedule

I have been working from home for about six months now and I finally feel like I’m getting into a groove and routine. 

It has definitely taken some time to test different strategies and schedules. I have read many other blog posts by very successful bloggers, tried their tips and failed miserably, but after a lot of research and experimentation, I’ve found what works for me to be productive as I work from home.

Here’s a peek at what my work from home schedule looks like.

6:30 am – I am most productive first thing in the morning, so I get up early, make a coffee and grab my laptop. I check my emails, check my blog analytics and rewardStyle stats, and then I start working on either a blog post or content ideas.

8:00 am – I have breakfast, usually granola with yogurt and berries, and write out my list for the day. I have found, after plenty of trial and error, that I am most productive when I list out what I need to accomplish for the day, from blog stuff to client work to house work to my workouts and walking Odie. I have tried time blocking and scheduling my day, but it just doesn’t work for me! 

8:30 am – Shower and get ready for the day.

9:00 am – 4:00 pm – Tackle my daily list. It feels so good to check items off of my list! I don’t complete the list in order, but it is my goal to get everything accomplished by 4:00 pm. 

Here is an example of what my daily lists look like:

In the evenings, I try to make dinner with Kirby and play a game or watch a TV show (we’re really into Mindhunter right now!). I usually do spend a bit of time in the evenings on Instagram and Pinterest as well, engaging with friends and finding inspiration, but I do try to limit the work that I do in the evenings. 

There are also a few essentials that I find help me to power through my work each day:

I do schedule most of my blog posts out a month ahead so that I’m prepared and know what I’m writing each week. This really helps to keep me on track, otherwise I know I would get lazy and take a few days off.

For client work, I aim to complete projects as quickly as possible, but I don’t pressure myself to do it all immediately. It’s easier for me if I aim to complete 25% one day, 25% two days later, etc. If client work keeps me from working on my blog, I start to resent it, so I’ve learned to pace myself a bit. 

This is what I have found works for me! I’ve tried many different strategies to be productive working from home, and so far, this is the winner. It can be tempting to give in to distractions and you can’t beat yourself up for that! That’s why I aim to check all of the items off of my list, rather than forcing myself to work at a time when I don’t feel like it. 

Have you been working from home? Do you have any tips or anything that you’re struggling with? Tell me in the comments below!!

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