My Top 10 Grocery Staples

Now that we finally have a refrigerator in our new kitchen, Kirby and I have stocked up on the grocery staples that we have truly missed during this reno! From our favourite fruits and veggies to snacks and breakfast items, we are stocked and taking a good long break from Skip the Dishes!

Here are our top 10 grocery staples.

Cherry Tomatoes

This is my absolute favourite food! I eat a ton of cherry tomatoes and typically buy a large case every week. I cut them up for salads and my Mediterranean quinoa bowl, I eat them whole with hummus and sometimes I just cut them up and put a bit of salt on them.

Protein Bars

Kirby and I love to have protein bars on hand for easy snacks. We like Clif Bars (especially Chocolate Mint!) and Lara bars. I buy a pack from Costco every few weeks.

AHA Sparkling Water

My Top 10 Grocery Staples

I discovered AHA Sparkling Water a few months ago and I’ve become obsessed! There are tons of cool flavours, but only a few seem to be available in Kelowna right now. We always stock our fridge with a case of the Blueberry Pomegranate flavour.

Silk Almond Hazelnut Coffee Cream

I have a small meltdown whenever the grocery store is out of the Hazelnut flavour of Silk Almond Coffee Cream. I’m a “cup of coffee as soon as I’m out of bed” kind of person, and this creamer is 100% necessary.


Kirby and I go through hummus at an alarming rate. We love to dip cherry tomatoes, cucumber, carrots and crackers in our favourite Fontaine Santé hummus! I buy the pack of two from Costco every trip.


We love to include avocado in lots of different meals. We have avocado toast with salt, pepper and lime juice a few days a week, enjoy a cucumber, tomato and avocado salad with dinner and add it to sandwiches.

Greek Yogurt

At least three or four mornings a week I have a bowl of Greek yogurt with chia seeds, blueberries, cacao nibs and coconut shreds for breakfast, so a supply of Greek yogurt is a must!

Kalamata Olives

Kirby absolutely hates olives, but I love them! I always have Kalamata olives on-hand for my Mediterranean quinoa bowl or a little Greek salad.

Aussie Bites

This Costco staple has become one of Kirby’s favourite grocery staples. Aussie Bites are a blend of roller oats, dried apricots, flax seeds, sunflower seeds, honey, coconut, quinoa, chia seeds and more.

Pineapple Juice

I make a “wellness shot” every morning with Apple Cider Vinegar, honey, lime juice and pineapple juice. I’d argue that pineapple juice is the most important ingredient as it masks the taste of the ACV!

My Top 10 Grocery Staples

If you want to see more of what we keep in our fridge, check out this Cribs-style fridge tour on IGTV!

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