My Bucket List Travel Destinations

Travel has never been something that has been high on my priority list. I’ve always been focused on saving for my home or my business, and vacations have taken a back seat, unless it’s a family trip to Disneyland! 

Now that I have a travel buddy, I feel much more inclined to visit other places and see different parts of the world. Pinterest has really been pushing me towards taking a vacation by showing me tons of gorgeous destinations with beautiful blue water and amazing architecture.

I love visiting Disneyland and Disney World, but I would like to check some bucket list travel destinations off of my list as well.

Here are my bucket list travel destinations right now!


My parents go to Mexico all the time and absolutely love vacationing there, but I have yet to go! I would love to take a trip to Cabo and find a beautiful resort to relax at. All of the vacations that I have been on have been very BUSY and I am ready for a chill vacay where I can lay out on the beach and read a good book.


I have always been obsessed with photos of Greece and with Greek food, so it is definitely on my bucket list of travel destinations! I would love to visit a variety of Greek islands, such as Santorini, Mykonos and Naxos, and take in the architecture and scenery, and eat some delicious food. Lots of olives and Spanakopita for me!

My Bucket List Travel Destinations


Next on my list is beautiful Positano. The most popular spot on the Amalfi Coast is calling my name! I’m sure you’ve seen photos of the cliffside full of amazing homes overlooking the sea. A vacation here would mean lots of yummy Italian food, lounging on the beach and exploring this incredible village.

My Bucket List Travel Destinations
Photo from Pinterest


Another popular vacation spot that I have not visited is Hawaii! I know, I really need to get out more.

I can tell you exactly where I’m going when I finally make the trip to Hawaii. I’m going to Maui and staying at my friend’s Forever Sunday Condo! It’s such a cute little condo and the perfect place to relax and enjoy some Hawaiian sunshine. 

When we do get out of the condo, I want to see a sunset over the ocean, explore Pa’ia Town and go on some epic hikes.


Another beautiful place that I would like to visit is Portugal.  I think that the history and architecture in this country are worth taking a look at and experiencing. I would love to see some of the castles and walk the cobble-stone streets. 

My Bucket List Travel Destinations

What are your bucket list travel destinations? Where would you recommend that I visit?

You can check out my 5 Life-Saving Travel Essentials here!

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