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My Blogging Philosophy

I have always loved reading blogs. When I discovered blogs like The Everygirl and Glitter Guide back in the day, I read every single post, every day. And when I discovered some of my favourite lifestyle bloggers, like Sivan Ayla, The Skinny Confidential, Cella Jane and Lauren Kay Sims, I became even more obsessed. I must say, reading so many blogs really influenced my blogging philosophy, long before I started my own.

What does that even mean?

Well, my blog consumption has taught me a lot about what kind of blogger I want to be and what kind of blogger I don’t want to be.

I have been sucked into many a post about ‘how to make lots of money from your blog’ and ‘strategies to grow your blog traffic fast’. Many of these focus on SEO, display ads, selling digital products, etc. Truthfully, that’s not what I want for my little corner of the Internet.

Of course, this is my business and I do need to make money, but I refuse to do it in a way that doesn’t feel natural to me. I blog to express my creativity, share what’s on my mind, offer inspiration and create content that my audience is asking for, and it’s important to me that that never changes.

On my blog, I promise you won’t find clickbait headlines. You won’t be bombarded by display ads. Oh, and I won’t be selling a digital product unless I come up with something seriously valuable that is actually worth the money. I think that if you’re reading a lifestyle blog, you want quality content and easily shoppable links, not flashing lights and useless ‘advice’.

I certainly do appreciate your support in the way of both reading my blog and using my affiliate links. If you don’t know what affiliate links are, I earn a small commission when you click through certain links on my blog and make a purchase, whether it’s on that exact product or something else on that website. It’s kind of like I’m a personal shopper!

My blogging philosophy is that the content on this website is for you, the reader. Much of the content is very personal to me and about my everyday life, but it’s written with the intent of connecting with you and sharing something relatable. I get a thrill out of creating this content for you, and I love when I get requests for posts!

I hope that can be an escape, a space to find someone you can relate to or simply a quick and entertaining read in your busy day. And I really hope that is never a space where you feel you’re being tricked or bombarded with sales pitches. If you ever do, please do let me know.

What other lifestyle blogs do you read? Do you ever feel like you’re just being sold to?

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