Mexican Style Street Corn

I’m not normally one to share recipes because, honestly, I don’t have much of a clue what I’m doing in the kitchen, but this recipe for Mexican Style Street Corn has become a staple in our house!

We love to make this side dish with chicken, steak or burgers, or just to eat on its own. The sauce is by far the best part and our friends and family have become all too accustomed to us bringing this dish to barbeques!

Mexican Style Street Corn

Without further ado, here is my recipe for Mexican Style Street Corn.

Ingredients (serves 2)

2 ears of corn

1/4 cup of sour cream

1/4 cup of mayonnaise

1/2 a lime, juiced

1/4 cup of feta cheese

Cayenne pepper




  1. First, we grill the ears of corn on the barbeque until they have a slight char.
  2. Cut the corn off of the cob and season with salt and pepper, divide over two plates.
  3. For the sauce, mix the sour cream, mayonnaise and juiced lime until the consistency becomes more liquid-like.
  4. Top the corn with sauce, feta cheese and cayenne pepper.
  5. Enjoy!

This recipe is so easy, even I can make it! We enjoy this dish at least once per week in the spring and summer, and if you invite us to a barbeque, we’ll probably share.

What are your favourite, easy-to-make, dishes for barbeques?!

For more of my favourite recipes, check out this post. I also Pin a ton of recipes that I want to try, or at least get Kirby to try (lol), on Pinterest!

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