I understand that I will never understand. However, I stand.

I have spent the last week listening, learning and feeling. I’ve read personal stories on Twitter from POC, watched videos that have angered me and videos that have inspired me. Kirby and I have had conversations daily about what is happening and what we can do to be a part of the solution.

We’ve discussed that we have been aware of racism around us, against a variety of different races, and that it is our responsibility to make it clear that we won’t stand for it.

I understand that I will never understand. However, I stand.

I can’t pretend to know the right thing to say or do, but I do know that every person deserves to be treated with respect, decency and compassion.

To anyone in my community, local or online, that doesn’t feel safe or supported – I encourage you to message me either on Instagram DMs or to sammy@sammmyhill.com. I may not always know the right thing to say or do, but I do promise that I will try.


Below are a few articles that I’ve read on the topic that I would recommend. I will continue to add to this list as I read more.

How To Make This Moment The Turning Point For Real Change

How To Be A Strong White Ally The Black Community Needs

Racism In Canada Is Ever-Present, But We Have A Long History Of Denial

Ways You Can Help

Array101 – A learning companion to the Netflix series “When They See Us”

Black Organizations and Anti-Racism Groups Canadians Can Support Now

I have made a donation to Black Lives Matter, and there are many other resources out there that can point you to other causes that you can donate to, including this list.

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