How I Am Creating and Sticking To A New Routine

I have always admired people that are so regimented and stick to their routines. Like how do you people get up at 5am every day, workout, make a yummy smoothie, meal prep all your meals, hustle at work, maintain a 20 step skincare routine AND keep up with all of your favourite Netflix shows?!

One of my goals for 2020 is to create and stick to a healthy routine. I have never been very good at committing to new habits. I feel good when I do it two or three days in a row, and then I just fall off the wagon completely.

This year is going to be different. I’m making my routine a priority and I’ve taken steps to hold myself more accountable. I will be more regimented this year for both a healthier lifestyle and efficiency in my day to day.

Here are some things that I want to include in my new routine.

Put my Fitbit on in the Morning – So many times I’ve finished a workout and realized I didn’t have my Fitbit on, and I kick myself for it! It’s so satisfying to check the app after a good sweat and see the results. I also love tracking my steps and water consumption in the app.

How I Am Creating and Sticking To A New Routine || Using my Fitbit

Write in my 5 Minute Journal – I got myself a 5 Minute Journal back in November and it’s become an important part of my routine. I think that it actually helps me to stick to my routine because I don’t want to miss a day!

How I Am Creating and Sticking To A New Routine || 5 Minute Journal

The 5 Minute Journal prompts you morning and night to write down things that you’re grateful for, what would or did make the day great and daily affirmations. It feels great to document the things that make me happy and that I’m lucky to have each day.

Eat a Healthy Breakfast – The only time I’ve ever consistently eaten breakfast was when I worked 6am shifts at lululemon and I got a Tim Horton’s doughnut on the way to work every day. Soo ya, this is part of my routine that needs work. 

Kirby has been good about getting me to eat a healthy breakfast more often, but I need to really make it a part of my everyday routine. Protein pancakes, healthy scrambles and yummy smoothies are on the menu! No more doughnuts ??????. Okay… just less doughnuts, let’s be real.

I’m also trying to replace my morning coffee with green tea. Green tea is packed with antioxidants and helps to improve brain function, so it would be great to start each day with a cup!

How I Am Creating and Sticking To A New Routine || Healthy Breakfast Smoothie

Make the Bed – I’ve always had a great excuse for not making the bed – Kirby gets up after me. I’m usually out of bed an hour or more before Kirby, so I can’t make the bed as soon as I get out of it. But that shouldn’t mean that I don’t make the bed at all that day, especially since I work from home! I want to make sure the bed is made by noon every day.

Maintain my Skincare Day & Night – I’ve been working hard on clearing up my skin for the last few months, and the key of this is routine. When I miss a night of washing my face, my skin shows me how upset it is. I know that I need to learn more about maintaining my skin and adding in products that will improve my complexion, but for now I am determined to keep up my current routine:

Morning – Splash water on my face, use a cold jade roller to depuff, apply eye brightening cream, apply moisturizer.

Night – Remove makeup with micellar water, wash face with cleanser, apply moisturizer or face oil.

Dry Brush Regularly – Another skincare necessity that I’m adding to my new routine is dry brushing. Using a dry brush exfoliates your skin and increases blood circulation. Plus, it makes for much smoother legs if you do it right before shaving!

Schedule Workouts for the Week – This is something that I’ve been doing for the last few weeks and it’s working wonders for me! I’ve been scheduling workouts into my Google Calendar to make them a priority. I also schedule time for driving to and from the gym or studio. My plan is to include four workouts per week in my new routine, plus soccer and hiking with Odie every week. 

How I Am Creating and Sticking To A New Routine || Shop my looks on

On the calendar this week: Monday – Nike Training Club Workout, Tuesday – Tabata Class, Thursday – Personal Training Session with Kirby, Saturday – Pilates.

To keep myself on track, I have a checklist written on a white board above my desk as a reminder. I have also tasked Kirby with holding me accountable, especially to the breakfast and fitness aspects of my routine.

Another thing that would keep me accountable is if I had a partner in this new routine, which is why I’m doing a giveaway for some of the items that are needed to start and stick to a healthy, new routine like mine! 

Head to my Instagram for details on the giveaway and to enter, which launches at noon on January 13th, 2020. Good luck 🙂

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