Favourite At-Home Fitness Equipment from Amazon

I am a big fan of at-home fitness. My personal trainer boyfriend would love it if I came to the gym with him every day, but I really enjoy being able to workout from the comfort of my own home. 

Favourite At-Home Fitness Equipment from Amazon
I love working out at home with Odie!

My at-home fitness routines consist of workouts that I find on apps like Nike Training Club, Instagram accounts (@samiclarke has killer workouts) and plans that Kirby builds for me, and most require just a few pieces of equipment.

I’ve found some great at-home fitness equipment on Amazon and I wanted to share my finds with you! Here a few items that I have or plan to purchase for my home gym. 


Such a simple piece of equipment, but so effective. Sliders on hardwood make for a great core workout, and this set is actually dual-sided, so you can use the other side on carpet or turf. 

Dumbbell Set

A dumbbell set with a variety of weights is a must-have if you plan to workout at home. This one has options for which three weight sets you’d like.

Resistance Bands

Kirby has trained me well with resistance bands. We use these all the time in our workouts, and I also use them for some exercises that my chiropractor has given me. 

Water Bottle

When I’m working out at home, I just use a glass for water. For some reason, I’m just more likely to drink it from a glass than a bottle. Weird, I know. But I know that most people prefer a good water bottle to stay hydrated and I’ve heard nothing but good things about this one.

Exercise Mat

Odie has destroyed my mat (like ripped out chunks of it for fun), so I’m in the market for a new one. This Amazon find is nice and thick, and I think it will do the trick.

Yoga Mat - At-Home Fitness

Exercise Ball

Who knew these weren’t just for bouncing on?! Kirby has shown me some great movements that require an exercise ball, so I think it’s time to invest in one myself. Bring on the hamstring curls!


This item is so useful whether you workout at home, at the gym or at the park. My Fitbit Charge 2 helps me to see how my workout affects my heart rate, how many steps I’ve taken, calories burned and more. Kirby has one too, so sometimes we challenge each other to see who can get more steps in a day. He always wins, it’s so annoying.

If the gym just isn’t for you or even if you like to workout from home a couple times a week, these Amazon finds can make up a great at-home gym. I started with just two sets of dumbbells, a mat and one resistance band, and I’ve since accumulated more equipment over time. 

Do you workout from home? What are your favourite at-home fitness equipment finds?

You can find more of my favourite fitness products on the Shop page and find my favourite workouts lately here.

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