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How To Achieve Work-Life Balance Working From Home

Lifestyle blogger Sammy Hill shares her tips for achieving work-life balance working from home.

First things first, I don’t believe that a perfect work-life balance is actually achievable, but I do think that each person has their own happy medium that can be achieved. Working from home has made this happy medium even more difficult to reach, but I have a few suggestions on how to get there.

I certainly don’t always take my own advice and often suck at creating balance in my life, but I’m working on it! Here are some of the things that I do to achieve my version of work-life balance while working from home.

Have a designated work space

As comfy as it is, the couch is not the place to get shit done. Kirby and I have a designated office in our home that we’ll work in if we need complete focus, otherwise we work at the dining room table to be closer to Odie… and the kitchen for snacks. The living room and bedroom are where I relax and spend time with my family, so I avoid working in these areas as much as I can.

Get ready for the day

It can be oh so easy to stay in PJs and leave your hair messy when you get to work from home, but resist the urge! Getting ready for the day, doing your hair and makeup and putting on a cute outfit will help to create division between chilling out at home and working hard. Plus, you’ll be much better prepared for the day that you actually get out of the house to do something!

my go-to work from home outfits

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Schedule in breaks and commitments

This one is so key for me. If I don’t schedule in breaks in my day, I won’t accomplish anything other than work, and it’s important to remember that work is not the only priority. I make sure to schedule in cleaning, walking Odie, taking my vitamins and breaks, along with all of my work tasks each day to ensure that I accomplish everything. Those little breaks throughout the day help to keep my creative juices flowing as well!

Turn off apps/devices after work hours

I’m very bad at this one, but I’m working on it! Turning off your apps or devices when the work day is over can help to define that separation. I know some people that delete their email app on the weekends and I think that’s genius. When the work day or week is over, cut out the distractions and focus on your personal time and family.

Work-life balance is going to look a bit different for everyone, especially when working from home. The key is to figure out what is important to you and how you can give adequate time to each of those priorities.

What are your tips for achieving work-life balance when working from home?

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