A Simple and Fun At-Home Date Night

For the most part, I’m a homebody. I love my home and I like to spend my time in it, with my family. But quarantine life has taken “homebody” to a whole other level!

Normally for date night, Kirby and I will visit our favourite restaurants, go to our local arcade to play games and mini putt or go for a walk downtown, stopping in most of the stores. These days, date night looks a little different!

We thought it would be fun to share what our at-home date night looks like while we self-isolate.

At-Home Date Night

At-Home Date Night

First of all, we make a conscious effort to have date night often. I’m usually busy with work and Kirby has work, plus a bunch of hobbies, so we know it’s important to create time for each other. 

Alright, now down to business…


We try to dress up a little bit for date night! I love me a good lounge set, but I wear that all day long, so for date night I throw on a cute dress or a pretty top. Kirby wears activewear all day, so he swaps it out for some nice flat front shorts and a basic t-shirt.


Typically, we drink ciders, American Iced Teas, White Claws or beer – BORING. For date night, we challenge ourselves to make drinks that we usually only have at restaurants. Moscow mules, mojitos and anything with whiskey!

At-Home Date Night


Kirby used to work at a restaurant kitchen as a sous chef, so he is the chef in our house! I can cook, but definitely not as well as him. 

Now that the weather is warming up and sunnier later in the day, we’ve been barbecuing most meals. For date night, we’ll spring for steaks or we’ll grill our favourite: salmon. We also love vegetables, so we’ll grill some asparagus, zucchini and Brussel Sprouts. Nice and simple, but so yummy!


Luckily, we have very similar taste in music, so it’s easy for us to agree on a playlist. We both love upbeat music, so we typically opt for a country or hip hop playlist, just on low volume so we can still chat. 

We are currently renovating our main patio area – the breezeway between our house and garage – but we also have a small fire pit area that we put together to hangout at. We’ve been spending date night in this space, enjoying a nice propane fire! It’s peaceful and private, and it’s so nice to be outside.

At-Home Date Night


We’ve been spending A LOT of time together, so it’s important to us to make date night fun and not centered around the business, home and responsibility shit that we always talk about. 

Instead, we love to play games like Heads Up! It gives us a chance to work together, laugh and take our minds off of everything else we worry about constantly.

We are loving the simplicity of these at-home date nights. It’s great to just connect with each other and we also love that Odie gets to spend time with us too. Yes, he does crash our date nights, LOL.

Have you been doing at-home date nights with your significant other?

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