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6 Stretches to Add Into Your Daily Routine

6 Daily Stretches Cover

I’ve been pretty lucky to have a strong, healthy body most of my life, but I am starting to notice some aches and pains as I get a bit older. Over the last year, I’ve learned that taking care of my body is more than exercising, and one of the ways I’ve begun taking care of my body is by performing daily stretches.

There are so many great stretches to help increase mobility, release tension and prepare yourself for a workout or even a day at your desk. My boyfriend Kirby is a personal trainer and he shared with me six stretches that he recommends for your daily routine. 

Doorway Stretch (Chest)

Stand in a doorway and place a hand on the side of the doorway. Keep your arm straight and twist away from your hand, stretching your chest. Try placing your hand straight out at shoulder height, head height and waist height to stretch different parts of your chest. 

Doorway Stretch (Lats)

Using the doorway again, hinge at your hips to create a 90 degree angle, grab the door frame straight out in front of you and pull your body away from the door. This will create a good stretch in your lats. 

Couch Stretch

Face away from the couch and place the top of one foot behind you on the couch cushion, planting your knee on the ground in front of the couch. Plant your other foot in front of you in a lunge position. 

Lunge forward and put your body weight onto the knee above your planted foot. Lean into it so that your knee comes out over your foot. This will increase your ankle mobility.

90/90 Stretch

With this stretch, you’re going to sit on the ground and create a 90 degree angle with one leg in front of you and another 90 degree angle with the leg behind you – don’t worry, there’s a photo below. 

You want to sit upright, unassisted to challenge your hip flexors. Hold this for a few seconds and then plant both hands on the ground on the outside of the leg in front and walk them out as far as you can comfortably reach. This will stretch through your lats – switch sides after you get a good stretch in. 

Figure Four Stretch

To stretch out your glutes, lay on your back and cross one leg over the other knee. Gently push the elevated knee away from your body while using your hands to pull the base leg towards your chest to stretch that glute. Switch sides!

Cat Cows/Camels Stretch

Start on your hands and knees with your back flat. Draw your chin towards your chest as you curl and suck your belly button up. Next, let your back fall past flat to an arch, letting your belly button drop towards the floor and pull your head up towards the ceiling. This stretch is great for spinal mobility and pelvic control. Make sure that your pelvis moves with your back.

I’ve been adding these stretches and more to my daily routine to keep my body strong and healthy. It’s also nice to wake up in the morning and take a few minutes to quietly stretch and release some tension. If you want to see these stretches in action, check out this post!

Make sure to consult a health professional, like Carter Lifestyle Performance, to ensure that you are completing stretches properly and taking care of your body safely. Trust me, Kirby has pointed out many things I do wrong when stretching or working out, and those small adjustments make a world of difference!

What are your favourite daily stretches?

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