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6 Fun Things to Do in the Okanagan This Fall

What’s the Okanagan’s best kept secret? Fall! 

A lot of people visit the Okanagan in the summer, and can you blame them? It’s a summer paradise! But what tourists, and some locals, might not know is that fall in the Okanagan is beautiful, eventful and full of fun things to see and do. 

Here are six things that I recommend doing in the Okanagan this fall.

Visit the pumpkin patch

DUH! You have to do this in the fall. The Okanagan is home to a number of Insta-worthy pumpkin patches, including McMillan Farms, Bilga Farms, Davison Orchard, and The Armstrong Pumpkin Patch

Grab some friends or your little ones and head out to a pumpkin patch to find the most perfect pumpkin for carving and snap some adorable photos!

Get a good scare!

With fall comes Halloween, and with Halloween comes plenty of opportunity for a good scare! The best scare in the Okanagan is probably Field of Screams at O’Keefe Ranch. You’re going to want to empty your bladder before entering the creepy maze, bring a group of friends with you and be ready for all the freaky encounters up ahead. 

Host a board games night

The sun is usually shining down on the Okanagan in the fall, but it’s pretty damn cold out already! You might not be able to sit outside with friends to enjoy a few drinks, so maybe it’s time to take it indoors and engage in a night of board games and snacks. 

Some of my favourite games to play with friends are Catan, Codenames, Phase 10 and Uno. 

Try some seasonal baking

Apple season in the Okanagan is one of fall’s greatest treasures. After picking some delicious, locally sourced apples, I want to put my baking skills to the test with an Apple Crumb Coffee Cake or some Double Apple Muffins – YUM.

Do a fall drinks ‘crawl’

I’m over typical PSLs. Instead of opting for the tried and true, maybe try a fall drinks crawl in the Okanagan. There are plenty of local coffee shops and restaurants that offer specialty beverages, alcoholic and non-alcoholic, for the season. Many restaurants will create specialty cocktails with seasonal fruits like apples and pears, while others put their own spin on a Pumpkin Spice Latte, like the vegan version at Naked Cafe.

Enjoy a brisk and picturesque hike

It’s getting a bit chilly out, so bundle up and hit the trails! I personally love walking the Mission Creek Greenway or hiking in the Myra Canyon area at this time of year. The trees are beautiful shades of gold and orange, the air is crisp and my blush is real. Odie LOVES these hiking conditions.

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Whether you’re ready to brave the dipping temperature or snuggling up indoors is more up your alley, there are so many great activities to enjoy in the Okanagan in the fall. Summer isn’t the only season to love in the Okanagan Valley!

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