5 Things You Don’t Know About Odie // February 26

The Daily Dose February 26

I’m sure you know by now, Odie is my 5-ish year old rescue dog from Iran. He’s a quirky border collie mix with tons of personality and very strong vocal cords. Here are five things that you might not know about Odie!

  1. He is afraid of several doorways in our house. We’ve worked hard to push him to break those fears, but there is still one doorway between the living room and kitchen that he just cannot and will not go through.
  2. He could be in the far corner of the backyard and somehow know that you opened the cheese drawer in the fridge and instantly be next to you, drooling.
  3. If I don’t get up to feed him dinner at exactly 5pm, he will walk into the room I’m in, look at me, turn around and go back to laying in front of his dish in the dining room.
  4. If you’re lucky enough to see Odie in a good mood, you’ll see that he has the most dramatic play-mode ever. He whips his head, flails and punches you with his big boots – lol. It’s hilarious watching him whip his enormous noggin.
  5. He is extremely attached to Kirby and I, and he cries and howls when we leave the house, but when we pull up to Dogzies Pet Services to drop him off for Dayschool, he can’t get away from us fast enough!

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