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5 Things You Can Do To Further Your Career

Taking strides in my career journey has always been important to me, but it isn’t always clear what steps to take. Whether you’re climbing the corporate ladder, pushing a start-up forward or diving into entrepreneurship, there are plenty of things you can do to further your career.

Here are a few of my personal favourites.

+ Upgrade your education – Expanding your knowledge base is no longer restricted to taking out student loans and going back to college. I like to take advantage of online courses (Masterclass is great for learning in a variety of topics) and programs to further my education in my industry or read industry-related blogs. There is a whole wealth of information on the web if you know where to look.

Another great way to further your education is to reach out to people in your industry that you admire and ask questions or ask for mentorship. The worst they can say is no!

+ Create an inspiring workspace – Some people thrive in chaos – I’m not one of those people. If you’re like me and you need a clean workspace to get shit done, make sure to invest in making your space inspiring and efficient. If my workspace (AKA my home) is messy, I can’t focus on anything and it hinders my creativity. Here are a few office products that can help to keep your space organized and inspiring.


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+ Manifest your dream career – You’ve gotta ask for what you want, whether you’re asking your boss or the universe. If you want a promotion, tell your boss about your goals. If you want to start a business, tell your friends and family what you want to achieve. If you want to make jewelry, pin photos of your favourite pieces. If you want to sell homes, practice selling your parents on that fixer-upper on the corner. Furthering your career means taking action and asking the universe to help you out.

+ Get involved – If you know that you want to take the next steps or change up your career, it always helps to make connections. Get involved with local community initiatives, attend networking events (virtual or IRL), join Clubhouse chats. Making connections will help you to identify what your next steps might be, now or later.

+ Stop saying yes to everything – Last but not least, learn the word ‘No’. Continuing to take on jobs, projects or commitments that won’t further your career will only hold you back. Of course, helping out a friend now and then is kind and not a big deal, but if you’re always saying yes to random things, you won’t be making time for what you need to do to get ahead.

What are some of your favourite tips to further your career?

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