3 Ways I’m Changing My Eating Habits

I am a junk food queen. ?????

3 Ways I'm Changing My Eating Habits
Photography by @DanielleSerresPhotography

People would always see me eating chips and chocolate bars and drinking Slurpees and ask me, “How are you so small when you eat all that?!” 

I would reply that it will catch up to me one day, and that day has arrived. ??

Between the drinks after soccer and the walks to 7-eleven and Starbucks just down the street, I noticed that I was starting to gain weight all over and that my energy levels were low, but those eating habits that I had developed over the years were hard to kick. 

3 Ways I'm Changing My Eating Habits
Photography by @DanielleSerresPhotography

I loooove soda. Like if I see a Coke, I need it. A box of popsicles will barely last a week in my house. I love sugar. 

I still eat relatively healthy meals, but snack time (which is all the time) is my downfall. 

Needless to say, changing my eating habits is not going to be easy, but I’m committed to making some change! 

Some of the things that I’m going to do to change my habits are:

Drink A LOT more water. I don’t think that I want to completely cut out sodas because I honestly really like them, but I can replace most of them with water. Lemon water, carbonated water, plain old tap water; not only will it help to keep me away from sugary drinks, but it will likely make a difference in my skin as well!

Pack snacks the night before. Since snacks are my downfall, I need to replace all of my go to treats with healthier options and plan ahead. Packing fruit, veggies, nuts and protein bars the night before will make it easier to avoid chips and candy – plus it will be better on my wallet!

No alcohol for 1 month. I’m pretty sure that a major factor in my weight gain has been more frequent, casual drinking in the last year. I met a great group of friends who like to hang out and have drinks once or twice a week, and I’m positive that the increase in casual drinking has contributed to the change in my weight. The fun doesn’t have to stop, but the amount of alcohol does!

3 Ways I'm Changing My Eating Habits
Photography by @DanielleSerresPhotography

The plan is to start slow and not deprive myself of the things I love to eat and drink. And if someone could just redirect my attention when I see soda, that would be a great help… ?

Do you have any tips for cultivating healthier eating habits? Let me know in the comments!

3 Ways I'm Changing My Eating Habits
Photography by @DanielleSerresPhotography

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  1. Sarah wrote:

    I drink so much la croix and bubly sparkling waters because they have tons of flavours and it feels like its soda….. also can add vodka for a sugar free / carb free drink!

    Posted 8.10.19 Reply

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