3 Tasty Thanksgiving Side Dishes I Love

Don’t come at me, but I’m not much of a Thanksgiving turkey fan. I’m here for the Thanksgiving side dishes! Mashed potatoes, steamed veggies, stuffing, cornbread – I love it all. Oh and don’t forget pumpkin pie; I know it’s not a side dish, but it is important.

With Thanksgiving just a few days away, I thought I would share my three favourite Thanksgiving side dishes.

Mashed Sweet Potato

Mashed potatoes are great and all, but mashed sweet potato is next level! My family loves mashed potatoes with gravy at Thanksgiving, but I’m working on turning them to the dark (orange) side.

Here is how I make my mashed sweet potato:

  • Boil cubed sweet potatoes/yams until soft
  • Drain potatoes and return to the pot
  • Put the pot on medium heat and mash the potatoes, removing excess liquid
  • Remove from the pot and mash until desired consistency (I’m fine with them being a bit chunky)
  • Add some butter, salt, pepper and cream cheese. I also like to add a little bit of honey!

Thanksgiving Side Dishes - Mashed Sweet Potato

Classic Bread Stuffing

I’m a big fan of stuffing at Thanksgiving dinner. It’s a weird concept to just shovel bread into your mouth, but I’m here for it. This year, I tried out this Classic Bread Stuffing recipe, minus the peppers and leeks, and I loved it! Such a simple recipe to follow, no stuffing the bird to worry about and it can made in about an hour.

Thanksgiving Side Dishes - Classic Bread Stuffing

I added Honeycrisp apple and Italian Veggie Sausage to my stuffing. Honestly, the apple was the best bite and I highly recommend adding it in if you try this recipe!

Thanksgiving Side Dishes - Classic Bread Stuffing

Balsamic Glazed Brussels Sprouts

Lastly, one of my favourite side dishes of all time: Balsamic Glazed Brussels Sprouts! I know these are a controversial vegetable, but I personally love them. I like to cover my Brussels Sprouts in balsamic vinegar and then roast for about 15-20 minutes at 400 degrees in olive oil, salt and pepper. When done, I add a mixture of balsamic glaze and honey, and add some extra salt. So tasty and easy to make!

These are just a few of my favourite Thanksgiving side dishes. I pile these onto my plate and leave a tiny little space for a piece of turkey or two.

I’m so grateful to live close to both my family and Kirby’s family. We feel very lucky that we get to spend this holiday with our loved ones, and we hope that you get to do the same!

Happy Thanksgiving!

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  1. Grams wrote:

    I am going to try your recipes! Happy Thanksgiving

    Posted 10.10.20 Reply

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