6 Fun Ideas For Your Next Date Night

It’s Date Night! Date night is seriously my favourite night of the week. Kirby and I both work so much, but we also spend a lot of time together while we’re working, and sometimes we forget that we need to put away our laptops and focus on each other. 

One of my goals for 2020 is to schedule in time for date night and do something fun with my man. It doesn’t have to be some fancy dinner or a late night movie, but we have to put our devices away and spend quality time with each other. 

6 Fun Ideas For Your Next Date Night

Coming up with fun, new ways to enjoy date night isn’t always easy, so I thought I’d put together some of my favourites for you!

Try A New Restaurant

I absolutely love trying new restaurants. I find that I always order the same thing when I go to a restaurant I’ve been to before, so in order to break that routine and try something new, we like to visit new restaurants on date night. 

If you’re in Kelowna and want to spend date night at a great restaurant, we recommend Central Kitchen + Bar, Jack’s Pizza & Liquor, Antico Pizza Napoletana and Olympia Greek Taverna!

Movie Night Fort

Kirby and I don’t go out to the movies too often. Instead, we find a movie on one of the many streaming services we subscribe to, make our own snacks and drinks and build a little blanket fort to snuggle up in! 

The first time we did this was Valentine’s Day last year. I surprised Kirby with a terribly built blanket fort in the living room, Odie snuggled up between us and we settled in for movie night!

6 Fun Ideas For Your Next Date Night
This was inside the “fort” that I built! Hahaha!


Evening Stroll Downtown

Most of the time when we go out for a walk, we have Odie with us, but for date night we like an evening stroll downtown, just the two of us! Downtown Kelowna is beautiful at night, especially in the winter with the lights in the trees. 

Visit the Arcade

If you haven’t gotten the picture yet, Kirby and I are total kids at heart. We love going to the local arcade to play games and challenge each other to a mini putt tournament. We’re currently saving up our tickets from the arcade games for a sweet prize – lol. 

1 v. 1 Games Night

This is one of our favourite ways to celebrate date night! We love playing board games and challenging each other to a friendly competition. We make some drinks at home, grab some snacks and settle in for an epic battle. Some of our favourites are Rivals for Catan, Phase 10, Codenames, Settlers of Catan and Monopoly Deal.

6 Fun Ideas For Your Next Date Night

Dessert Sampling

Okay, I think this is my favourite date night idea, because I have a major sweet tooth. I am always too full after dinner at a restaurant to order a dessert, so I like to pick a restaurant JUST for the dessert. Let’s skip the big dinner and head straight to the ice cream shop, candy store or a fancy restaurant just for chocolate cake!

What are your favourite ways to celebrate date night?

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