I Tried Dermaplaning and I'm Hooked

My skincare saga continues! I went back to Smooth Effects Kelowna this week to once again give my skin some much needed attention. If you missed my last post about the wonders that Smooth Effects Kelowna is doing for my skin, you can read it here.

This time around, I wanted to take care of the top layer of my skin, so I opted for the Dermaplaning treatment.

So, What Is Dermaplaning?

I was definitely confused about this process before heading in, which was evident if you watched my Instagram Stories. Dermaplaning is a procedure meant to exfoliate dead and dry skin cells and to get rid of the vellus hair on your face, better known as “peach fuzz”. 

According to the Smooth Effects Kelowna tech, Olivia, this procedure would make makeup application smoother and it helps with product absorption. It also triggers an increase in collagen production, which I am all for!

Olivia took a small scalpel and shaved the dead skin cells and vellus hair off of my face. There was absolutely no pain at all, and it was pretty quick. 

I Tried Dermaplaning and I'm Hooked
My skin was so smooth and soft after the procedure!

After the dermaplaning procedure, she applied a mild enzyme peel. It smelled amazing, but it made my face slightly itchy and tingly, which Olivia mentioned was normal. The feeling went away quickly after the treatment.

It takes about 3-4 weeks for the hair on your face to start growing back, but I was happy to hear that it does not grow back thicker or coarser. 

The result? I left the appointment with incredibly smooth skin. Putting on foundation in the days after was so much more satisfying than normal as well!

Learning About Your Skin’s Age

At my appointment, I also received a skin analysis using the VISIA Complexion Analysis. This machine takes photos of your skin and analyzes six areas that affect your complexion: wrinkles, spots, pores, complexion evenness, porphyrins and UV spots. It also compiles this information and tells you what your skin’s true age. 

I’m not going to lie – I was expecting MUCH worse than what my results were. According to the VISIA, my skin’s true age is 25, which is two years younger than me! Most of the six areas looked really good for my age, with the exception of pores and UV spots. I wasn’t surprised by either of those, but the photo of the UV spots was a wake-up call to wear freaking sunscreen! 

VISIA Complexion Analysis. Learning about your skin's true age. UV spots, UV protection.

Disclaimer & disclosure: This blog post is sponsored by Smooth Effects Kelowna, but all content and opinions are my own.

Smooth Effects Kelowna has given me a promo code that you can use for your first treatment there! Just mention the code SAMMYHILL15 for 15% off.

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  1. I loved it too! I had it done in November

    Posted 1.10.20 Reply

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