Wellness Wednesday: 5 Ways to Motivate Your Workout

For a long time, my level of fitness was not a priority for me. I was in relatively good shape, but not actively trying to improve and it was difficult to stay motivated to workout. I occasionally went to a spin or HIIT class, but the only consistent exercise that I got was chasing Odie around the yard!

It wasn’t until the last year or two that I started to prioritize working out. I do most of my workouts at-home and get my cardio in at soccer on the weekends. I’m still not perfectly consistent, but I’m working toward it. And it certainly helps to have a boyfriend that’s a personal trainer!

Here are five ways that I stay motivated to workout.

Short, Targeted Workouts

My excuse for not working out is typically that I don’t have time. To combat that excuse, I focus on doing short, targeted workouts because it’s better than doing nothing at all. I can always fit in a 10 minute abs workout in the morning or one of the Nike Training Club’s 15-20 minute strength sets while dinner is cooking. Everyone has at least a few minutes to move each day!

Cute Workout Clothes

Cliche, but it works. Having a dresser full of workout clothes that I love to wear keeps me motivated to pull on some leggings and get a good sweat in. I worked at lululemon for years and accumulated a TON of great leggings, sports bras and shorts. I also love the leggings from Aerie, which are much more affordable. 

These are some of the items on my activewear wish list right now:

5 Ways to Motivate Your Workout || Activewear to Motivate Your Workout

(Click the links below to shop the collage above!)

  1. 1. Sports Bra // 2. Pullover // 3. Shorts // 4. Leggings // 5. Leggings // 6. Leggings // 7. Sports Bra // 8. Crop Tank // 9. Running Shoes // 10. Running Shoes // 11. Running Shoes

Pinterest Inspiration

5 Ways to Motivate Your Workout || Pinterest Inspiration

Some may not agree with this one, and that’s totally okay, but it works well for me. Seeing others looking fit and staying in shape inspires me to do the same. I find great inspiration on Instagram and Pinterest.

Micro Challenges

If I decide that I can’t squeeze a good workout in, I’ll create micro challenges for the day. Walk so many steps or do ten squats or calf raises each hour. I often have to remind myself to shrug my shoulders a few times every hour, as I am notorious for pulling my shoulders up and tightening my neck muscles. No matter where I am, I can do a little bit and it still helps. Every little bit of movement helps!

Hire a Personal Trainer

Okay, I didn’t have to hire mine as he lives with me, but a personal trainer can keep you accountable and show you movements that you might not come up with on your own. Kirby has shown me so many different movements that have helped to mix up my workouts and add some variety, and he also gets me to the gym when I don’t feel like going. He’s been a worthwhile investment ?


These five items have helped to motivate my workouts and keep me active and working on my fitness. One thing that doesn’t help me stay on track with my workouts? ODIE. He is notorious for lying underneath me while I’m doing push-ups, but it’s just so darn cute that it’s okay. 

How do you stay motivated to workout? Let me know in the comment section!

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